Finally, treating my room acoustically.

We've started to make diy bass traps and broadband absorbers yesterday. They will be in our rehearsal room. We will finish it next week, because there wasn't enough fabric for the covering - we need 26 meters and at the shop there was only 7,5 m, they will get more for us next week.

I tought it will be harder to make these things, but we've finished all of the frames in 4 hours - there will be 8 bass traps, 4 broandband absorbes, and a "cloud" that we will hang from the ceiling above the drums. I've forgot to make pictures but next time I will make some and post it ;)
The whole thing costed about $260, I think that's not too bad for 13 acoustic panels.
Yeah I am hoping to keep this under $500 if I can. Going for full room treatment.

You know what fuck it, lets do this shit:

A ghetto measurement:


Before pics (messy I knows...):













Basically the room sucks as it is. I have done 2 mixes in this room as it is and they went alright but I know I could do better, I am doing a DIY desk this summer as well (because as you can see my desk is tiny as fuck) so new desk soon also. Probably going to paint the walls as well... :puke:

The only thing I am worried about with this project is the corner with the fucking window and door next to it, but I have asked for some help on this and am waiting for an answer as to how to go about this project. Planning on using 703 for the walls and 705 for the corners unless I get advised otherwise.
Hahahahaha, I think you should also consider getting some new curtains man - but good luck! I'm planning on treating my off-campus apartment next year, cuz my room at home is WAY too stuffed to fit anything in it (there's literally not a single wall without either a window or some piece of furniture pressed up against it)
Hahahahaha, I think you should also consider getting some new curtains man - but good luck! I'm planning on treating my off-campus apartment next year, cuz my room at home is WAY too stuffed to fit anything in it (there's literally not a single wall without either a window or some piece of furniture pressed up against it)

Yeah that was my situation with my old setup. Now I got this room thats dedicated for all my shit, but sounds horrid. I'm hoping to get this done within a few weeks but we shall see I guess.
Unless you are sitting very low, that does not look like a good placement of your monitors.
They should be higher up and further apart.
If you can't put a bass trap on the floor to ceiling corner in the door-window corner, try to put it on the ceiling to cover the corner where the 3 walls are connecting (those 3 wall meeting places are the shit).
Like this:

Ps: Spongebob rules.
Ps2: I'm really drunk... We had a 6 hour long guitar hero session with our band mates and some tequila :kickass:
If you can't put a bass trap on the floor to ceiling corner in the door-window corner, try to put it on the ceiling to cover the corner where the 3 walls are connecting (those 3 wall meeting places are the shit).
Like this:

Ps: Spongebob rules.
Ps2: I'm really drunk... We had a 6 hour long guitar hero session with our band mates and some tequila :kickass:

This is a great idea actually. But I am thinking about making something free standing (like a bass trap on a stand) with a small opening for the light switch and placing it in the corner anyway even though it will cover some of the window.

Oh and BTW everyone, I have new curtains as of today. I went with some thermal ones in kaki color. They look a little retro (who am I kidding they look like they are out of the 70s) but they should do the trick.