
Love Conquers All

Pornographic Messiah
Feb 6, 2003
Finally I got today Mabool, and I must admit that this is the finest metal album I've heard this year. Here where I work in MTV Poland ( I am art director / on-air producer) people went mad about your music:) We listen to the album since early morning... like 4 spinnings till now:) If you did any videos for Mabool, I suggest you to contact with MTV, or your label will do it for sure... you know maybe that Headbanger's Ball started again:))
EdgeCrusher77 said:
A video clip would be cool :) .... but I hate MTV :( ...

well MTV become very commercial in the last 10 years... Too many cash is given by major labels to promote their artists in MTV, so instead of watching of some cool old themes like 102 minutes, or Headbangers Ball we have Britney Spears every 10 min. But now there is a fresh wave in the TV station like renewed Headbangers Ball:))