
Hopefully, the local Best Buy will have a copy on Wednesday - I don't get paid until Wednesday and since Tower is closing, it's going to be difficult to find anywhere around my neighborhood that is going to have the new disc. :ill:
It arrived today! I am so glad I haven't given in to the temptation yet!
Now I'm going to my room, putting on my best headphones and just let the music run my life for the next hours!!
Welcome to my Hell. I'm going to have to order it online since I can't find anyone in the general area that has any copies. This is one of the things that sucks that Tower Records is going out of business - any of the bands that are even the SLIGHTEST bit underground don't get stocked in the local chain's stores. :mad:
Newbury Comics has all of Borknagar's albums in stock (except s/t). And on their e-newsletter they listed Origin's release this week.
I got it on Tuesday, and being a devote fan (not listening to it before the release) I am very pleased with this record. I'm sure this album will expand with more intense listens.
I remembered that there is a store in my neighborhood that specializes in underground Metal and Punk when I remembered that one of their other stores had closed at their longtime location and moved into my city. I went in and, sure enough, there it was. :D The only disappointment of today was that they didn't have the Mentors shirt in my size, but they do special orders.