finger or pick bass?+ anyone have bass tabs?

The saYer

Aug 17, 2003
bay area
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I am interested inlearning the bass solos of angra or helloween (like in eagle flyfre or carry on) or if anyone can direct me to basstabs for metal it would be very much appreciated, I'm just tired of looking.

another question : I play and enjoy more fingering bass, but most of the thrash bands use picking bass, I feel that fingering has more rhythm and is more easily heard while picking is more relaxed, is there another difference?
which one do you prefer?
sixxswine said:
fingers! You are right, though thrash metal bass players usuallay use picks.
If I come across any tabs I will send you the links bro. Let me know how your playing is coming along, okay?!
Cliff fingered..... :Spin:
The saYer said:
I am interested inlearning the bass solos of angra or helloween (like in eagle flyfre or carry on) or if anyone can direct me to basstabs for metal it would be very much appreciated, I'm just tired of looking.

another question : I play and enjoy more fingering bass, but most of the thrash bands use picking bass, I feel that fingering has more rhythm and is more easily heard while picking is more relaxed, is there another difference?
which one do you prefer?

I'm a Bass player and I alternate between fingers and Pick it all depends on what kind of sound your looking for Using a pick tends to keep keep things a little cleaner sounding but if I want to get a good Steve Harris like Gallop going I go with Fingers all the way if your going to learn do it both ways then you wont be limited to one or the other and then you can make up your own mind on what the differences are .... I personally really dont have a preference it just all depends on what sound you need ... did that make any sense ... NAW! :D
I play guitar, but when I pick up my Bass, I like using fingers. I personally think it opens up a lot of new things in playing.
And I play mainly Thrash.
As usual on this subject I remain in the minority. I use a pick almost exclusively. There's only a rare few parts here and there that I'll utilize the fingers. I don't know if it's because I started out on guitar originally or not. You do get much more of a harsh attack using a pick which is perfect when playing the extremely heavy shit.
All I know is that I've been doing this for over a couple decades and I doubt I'm going to change any time soon. Plus I'm exponentially faster with a pick.
I actually feel the fingering more, even though I am a speed freak (no drugs) now that I think about it, picking felt more like a subrhythm guitar which I guess binds prefectly with the rhythm guitar, but fingering will always make the bass a unique inst.

I play (to this moment) only thrash and when they use picks, I play around with the fingering and accomodate it;fun stuff.