Finntroll Demo

This is a message Katla left on the Finntroll board....

Greetings fans!
yes, my voice is still gone... but! Now the doctors have found the cause for my problem. I have some kind of rare virus that affects the vocal chords, so the voice was not lost due to singing. The bad news are that there is no other treatment than surgery. Which I will attend before christmas.(hopefully) The surgery should take the disease away but it can renew itself. For the gigs in december I have a friend replacing me though. I´ve been sounding like Leonard Cohen for the last three months and hopefully I am soon back in business. Thanx for all the encouraging mails and forum notes. Keep your thumbs up and keep trollin'
Katla(Finntroll vox)

I hope he gets well soon!
Originally posted by winter-frost
This is a message Katla left on the Finntroll board....

Greetings fans!
yes, my voice is still gone... but! Now the doctors have found the cause for my problem. I have some kind of rare virus that affects the vocal chords, so the voice was not lost due to singing. The bad news are that there is no other treatment than surgery. Which I will attend before christmas.(hopefully) The surgery should take the disease away but it can renew itself. For the gigs in december I have a friend replacing me though. I´ve been sounding like Leonard Cohen for the last three months and hopefully I am soon back in business. Thanx for all the encouraging mails and forum notes. Keep your thumbs up and keep trollin'
Katla(Finntroll vox)


Me; who just fell in love with their latest album
and everything!!! :o(
Oh, I shouldn't be so negative >:oP
Eep! That's distressing... I for one hope he gets through it well and makes a good recovery. That's just a terrible thing to happen to someone who makes their way in the world on their voice. Katla has my best wishes.
Best wishes to Katla from me, too ...

Regarding that "mysterious Vintersorg - Finntroll - connection" I don't think it's that strange ... of course, both bands definetely have their very own unique sound and so on, but I guess it would be quite similar when it comes to bands like let's say Thyrfing or Ulver or any other Black/VikingMetal-stuff ....
god forbid the man ever lose his vocal ability, I cant wait for another Finntroll release, Jaktens Tid is godly. Best wishes to him as well.
Originally posted by Drexle

For me, it's the fact that they're both so unique in their sound... Vintersorg uniquely inspiring, and Finntroll uniquely fun and funny (don't tell me you didn't laugh the first time you heard the accordian :) ).

I did laugh the first time I heard Finntroll, allright, I, honestly, i still do sometimes. Someone who made a review of Jaktens Tid in a magazine I read, said that it rocked more than a drunk in a ... (Parisian Wheel?????) hm... Is that a word in english? Well, let's say rollercoaster. And anyway; it's quite true!! i didn't laugh neither whan I heard Vintersorg nor Otyg for the first time, though. But I did laugh when I heard Storms album Nordavind.

And, while I'm on...: my best wishes for Katla. He's the best! may the gods help him!!
Well, the Storm album is somewhat... say complex. Most of the songs are remixes - very heathen and "angry" remixes - of norwegian folk songs. And sometimes the lyrics gets a little too harsh anti-christian, which only makes it silly, and not serious and good. That's what made me laugh. When I laughed (laugh) when listening to Finntroll though, it was because the lyrics are really good - and hysterically funny!! ;D Just love 'em.