Finntroll & Winds new releases


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
On first listen...

FINNTROLL - Nattfod: If you like Jaktens Tid, you're going to love this one, although it is definitely darker sounding. You get a good sense of drunken Trolls coming out from the nighttime forest preparing for war and general mischief. Unlike the rawness of the debut (which is still my favorite), it's very polished sounding and mastered at Finnvox believe it or not.

WINDS - The Imaginary Direction of Time: If you have their last album then expect more of the same, with tonnes of emphasis on the guitar shredding. Was the last album this much of a guitar player's wet dream? I can't remember. Anyway, all the trademarks are here again: dark, romantic, classical, earthy, avante-garde. You know, all the ingredients to make it on to the The End Records label.
nattfödd is very catchy and really good i must say. pretty surprising though, i thought that the loss of sominum was going to negativly effect the music. the new singer does a solid job as well
a nice album, albeit not as good as jaktens tid :p
Sounds good... although I'm not really interested in the Winds... but that probobly has to do with the fact that I'm currently holding a grudge against existentialists that I haven't been able to reconcil yet.