Firbhlog - BM from Italy

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I name-dropped this band about a year ago, selling Swizzlernuts....then completely forgot about them. lol Anyways, revisiting them now and loving it all over again now that I'm in "the mood" again and its that time of year. Their first and only album so far entitled Holy Quest is kickass and produced by the almighty PAUL CHAIN, of all people.

Anyway, just found out that they have new tracks on their myspace page too from their forthcoming album Ashes of War, so check it out:

I swore I made a thread about these guys already but couldn't find the fucker.

I first heard the band on the SKR boards, but anyways, this is some kick ass stuff!

Fans of Hellenic black metal should enjoy.
Oh yeah, I remember that thread. I think that's where I heard of them as well. Cheers!

This new album is gonna be awesome. These new tracks seriously kick major fucking ass. :kickass:
Just to clarify it's not Hellenic Black Metal, but people who enjoy that style should enjoy this.