fire in the sky

Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
saw a few people talking about how fucked up this movie is so i went and rented it last there more then 1 version cuz the one that i watched was basically a waste of time...there was about 15 minutes of seeing the actual aliens and the rest of the movie was just meh
im kind of in the middle on that topic....but either way if i was a full believer i still dont think this movie would do it for me
Didn't work for me either. Waited forever to see the aliens and what a let down. Crapy slim pod thing, comes out and it looks like old stone walls in a IDK place. The space ship was lame. The watery cum dripped into his eyes never gets explained. The motor grease shoved into his mouth was laughable. The whole movie was just meh. I expected a lot more due to what people said about it.

Evidently, if you actually believe that alien abductions like that happen, that part should be scary enough to carry the whole movie.

It's lost on me.....

pretty much this^
Yeah, it could have been much better. Also, Travis Walton explained that they embellished a lot with the movie (duh). Read "Communion" if you want a really intriguing view into it all.

ill have to pick that up maybe it will shed some light on this boring movie....saw paranormal activity the other night....while its not as scary as people make it out to be its def creepy...i came home and i guess my girl was moving shit and put a light in the hallway thats about the same height as me...i walked up stairs with no lihts on and saw the sillouette (sp?) and got freaked out
Woops I think I confused you a bit with my post. Travis Walton wrote a book or two I believe, but "Communion" is a completely different story, just with VERY vivid descriptions of what the author apparently went through. Regardless of whether you believe or not, it's a good read.

This movie was scary for me as a kid (and because i always found alien abductions a scary situation), if you are 30+ of course it won`t gonna do nothing for you, at this point where technology in movies are far better, but in other hand what would you expect, a 2 hour outer space surgery? the movie was based on a suposed "real" abduction of a redneck lumberjack in the 70`s, so it covers the whole situation, in the town and his life, not just the alien stuff.
Alien abductions are pretty much the scariest thing I can think of that could "actually" happen, and that scene in the spaceship is nothing short of the worst imaginable situation I could think of. I was just dissapointed in the lack of a real ending, and the build-up was cool and well written but in the end, a bit boring. Overall solid movie though.
i bet this film is fucking incredible if you get monumentally fucking stoned
i may just test this theory :D
Saw it last night, and first off, let me say that I definitely am prone to that feeling of being SERIOUSLY freaked out by a movie; "Child's Play" (yes, with Chucky :lol: ) did it to me back in elementary school, and "The Ring" in high school, for example (and I have no doubt that "Paranormal Activity" would trump them all, so no way in hell will I ever see it). However, I've seen so much sci-fi in my life that really nothing surprises me anymore, so most of the stuff that happened on the alien ship was freaky but familiar ("ah, so the set designers decided to adopt the 'slimy/gooey/organic' alien aesthetic" :D), and as far as torture scenes in films goes, I'd say that was definitely on the milder side of the spectrum.

(Semi-spoiler warning)

However, I quite enjoyed it overall, probably because I went in knowing that the focus was on the other guys and their difficulty in trying to convince people their story was true, and was able to get into it (it's amazing how much a movie/game/book/etc. not being what someone expected can negatively affect their opinion on it; I've definitely experienced that more than a few times, though I'm usually able to appreciate the positive qualities experiencing it for the second time, when I know what to expect). I thought it was really well-acted and directed, especially all the scenes related to the alien side of things; that red in the sky really was extremely ominous, and man, the scenes after Travis got back I found incredibly convincing and intense, especially when they first found him, as well as when he was spazzing out under the table, and we see the syrup creeping to the edge until it lands on his face and his eyes just roll back in his head, damn...

(end spoilers)

In short, I'd say the best word to describe the movie is "gripping" (rather than particularly scary, at least IMO)
Also, another benefit of watching a lot of (good) sci-fi is that I'm really not very frightened of aliens, and am pretty optimistic that our first real encounter with them will be a positive one! (unless of course some general gets trigger-happy, opens fire, and they scorch the planet after their peace offering was shat upon :loco: )
Yeah, this movie definitely freaked me out as a sho. Just the possibility of this happening, questioning the unknown, etc. etc. was a lot for my young and impressionable mind lol. I actually think that the way the movie was structured made it all the more creepy. I wouldn't want to see two hours of some greys operating on this guy. I think it was creepier knowing that all four (or five?) of them knew it was true and seeing how they adapted afterwards with the pressure from the police, media, family, friends.

And yes, Marcus, the above mentioned scenes were particularly creepy!

It's funny, I liked this movie for a long time and no one else I knew had ever seen it, hahaha.

I've always thought this was a great movie. Obviously this movie is more about the effects of the town and disbelievers as well as what happens to the crew before, after and during the encounter. I think the problem is this gets lost on the younger "I want it all, and I want it NOW" generation. For the younger generation these days, if it's not all action, all the time, and hot, half-naked chicks all the way sucks. hahaha.
I've always thought this was a great movie. Obviously this movie is more about the effects of the town and disbelievers as well as what happens to the crew before, after and during the encounter. I think the problem is this gets lost on the younger "I want it all, and I want it NOW" generation. For the younger generation these days, if it's not all action, all the time, and hot, half-naked chicks all the way sucks. hahaha.

Careful with the cane-shaking geezer talk there John :lol:
Back in my day we had to walk uphill 10 miles each direction just to get to the video store to rent the beta tape.



Nice Marcus. Got me.