Fireball Clip


Sep 28, 2003
here´s a guitar tone clip i did today. It´s a washburn regular model with emg 81 - ibanez ts 808 - boss ns2 - engl fireball with stock tubes - marshall 1960a with celestions gt75 - one sm 57 on axis - double tracked - one panned 100 % left and the other 100 % right.

the soundclip in unprocessed ( no eq, compression, limiting, effects, etc )

I know the low-mids and the fizzy area deserve attention but tell me your opinion.
Sounds kinda distant. Putting the mic about an inch away from the grill would bring a little more high end. I've also found that having your mic pre's gain set pretty high helps too.
I'd say the overall tone sounds a little bit hollow for my taste. It could be the off axis positioning. I know you said it was unprocessed, but i'd also say that there might be a bit too much mud in the tone, even when you try to deal with it later.
I think it needs a little more gain, and mic positioning needs to aid in getting a bit more clarity out of it. Maybe a bit closer to the grille, or dustcap, or hell maybe just dial in a few extra highs on the amp.

The 'fizzy area' I feel is what defines a Powerball/Fireball running through a gt75 cab. When we tracked that, I did my best to mix the guitars to keep that element strongly present, because it adds so much character to the tone.
thankx for your input :) :) :)

well the mic was as close to the grille as it could be. Really close.
It was also on axis as i initially said. Maybe you´re missing the high end.

I´m trying to get away from the fizzy area. I know some post eq will help. Moonlapse point out right that it might be part of the tone.

well you all agreed there´s high end missing. It lacks brightness. I´ll work that area out. :)

keep it coming.
That's really odd. We tracked a powerball the other day, but with V30s. We had one SM57 pointing on-axis at the dustcap and it was this most searing brittle high-end sound. I suppose it could be just too little highs dialed into the amp.
Moonlapse said:
That's really odd. We tracked a powerball the other day, but with V30s. We had one SM57 pointing on-axis at the dustcap and it was this most searing brittle high-end sound. I suppose it could be just too little highs dialed into the amp.

is the dustcap the round center of the speaker ?
Oh fuck sorry dude, i completely read that wrong i thought it was off axis. Now im really puzzled by your sound. If your placement was as you say, then i think you might just have dialed the amp in a bit funny.
How much mids do you have in the tone?i realy can't figure out what exactly it is about your tone that i would change, its really buggin me haha. It could be a really crushing tone.
I just A-B 'ed your sound to a clip of my most recent Powerball session and I have this to add:
I would try cutting a little bit of lows, adding a similar amount of highs, and definately boost the mids a notch or two. Then you might want to refine your mic placement a little too.
SMALL changes everywhere, but i think your tone wont be quite as dull and should pound like a mother fucker!