Fireball + Impulses help needed


Feb 6, 2008
Ok, I'm pretty sure this hasn't been covered before (I've scoured most of the impulse threads in the past). Basically after hearing so many tight and awesome sounding clips using a Fireball with Impulses (mainly GuitarHacks) I thought I would give it a go myself, thinking it would be a no-brainer. Well, my attempts sound terrible, really dark, muddy, lifeless and distant sounding. I can post some clips tomorrow but I wanted to check my chain.

I'm taking a line from the FX Loop Send into the Instrument input on my Inspire (using a regular guitar cable, not too long either), keeping the amp in standby. I'm recording coming in at around -8db and then applying my chosen Impulse (usually SneapEdge or Edge0/Edge1- I've tried quite a few and they all sound bad). Its still hovering around -6db, no clipping.

My Amp settings are (o'clock) Gain 8, Lows 11, Mids 2, Highs 2, Depth and Bright not engaged. Guitar was a Hellraiser w/EMG's.

I was Quad-tracking and yes it worked, I got sound, but it sounded like a badly mic'd amp. Post-EQ didn't seem to work too well either. Like I said, I'll post clips tomorrow, but those few of you on here that have played around with Fireballs and Impulses, please give me some advice!
Did you have the mix at 100% wet on your impulse plugin? If so, my only suggestions are to just tweak your amp while playing and listening through your monitors until it sounds good, and try different impulses.