Fireface 800, how many simultaneous inputs?

I'm very confused by this logic. The whole reason I never considered the RME gear is how expensive it is compared to other gear that has more features.

The i/o capabilities and converter quality are worth the price alone to me.

I don't understand what there is to be confused about? I care about converter quality and will spend money where it counts.

To clarify my post: They didn't say the preamps were bad, not at all.. but in comparison to the very very high-quality converters, the preamps seemed rather "standard" to them. With better preamps you could possibly get even better sounding results.. that was the tenor ;)

The routing flexibility and a lot of other specs are pretty unique! (@melodeath)
This looks on the cards for me in september- sweet. I wouldn't consider this expensive in the long run- I mean its got a TON of I/O options and the quality of the converters seem savage.