Firewire to USB?!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Hey guys, just got my new laptop in today and came to the brutal realization that it doesn't have a firewire port.....I feel like a total jackass because I assumed it'd have one when I pulled the trigger.

I have a ProFire 2626 and I obviously need firewire to run it.....

Will I have any luck with a firewire to USB adapter? This has me a bit bumbed right now....
Express slot maybe?

My bassist just told me I can get a firewire -> ESATA adapter.....

If that doesnt work, I'll have to return this beautiful computer or stick to tracking on my shitty old Dell with the firewire port and transfer tracks to this one for the CPU power.
Think I'm better off selling the ProFire and just getting another interface? =/ This has me seriously bummed as I was waiting for this thing to show up for a while now. My own dumbass fault for not making sure in the first place.....Sometimes I amaze myself at how forgetful I can be.
no adapter is going to make it work properly.

Express adapters are just fine plus you can choose the chipset. I record two dozen of tracks simultaneously on my laptop on a regular basis with an express adapter .
Yeah if you don't have an express slot, you should at least have a pcmcia slot. Just don't go cheap on the firewire adapter, they are picky just like firewire cards are for a desktop.
We should also ask- what model laptop is it? Because some laptops do in fact not come with many I/O options.
Express adapters are just fine plus you can choose the chipset. I record two dozen of tracks simultaneously on my laptop on a regular basis with an express adapter .

Well yeah of course that works, I meant no FireWire to USB cable or FireWire to esata cable would work.

There are some really nice USB interfaces, definitely worth looking into that route. The M-Audio 8 channel USB interface whatever it's called is supposed to be really really solid and with incredible performance even better than most FireWire interfaces and of course the RME USB stuff is great.
Yeah I'm actually thinking about selling the ProFire and getting the Fast Track Ultra 8 input USB interface. You guys think the recording quality would suffer compared to the Profire?

Thanks for the help so far.
If anything I would expect the fast track to be a downgrade from the profire. Also it doesn't really give you any scope to upgrade in the future. Keep the Profire and get a better laptop.