First band to do Death Metal Growls?

Sep 20, 2005
My girlfriend asked me who the first band to do the low death metal singing and I actually have no idea. Anyone want to help me out? I figure Slayer was the first to really yell but they weren't really growly and low, just yells.

Birkenau said:
Cool name bro.

Lol, I'll repost what I told another member. I'm not a fan of dragonball Z anymore. I first started using this name when I was 13 (I'm gonna be 18) when I signed up for this dragonball z/gaming forum. I just keep it so I don't have to think a new one up everytime I join a board. It keeps thing a lot less confusing that way.
Not to sure about the first band to incorporate the low growls but
Possessed "Seven Churches" is the very first death metal album
There's a harsh-ish scream/growl in the end of Judas Priests' Victim of Changes, which is '76 or something. Don't know if it constitutes harsh vocals though since it's just 6 or so seconds long.

Earliest black-ish vocals I've heard were in Skinny Puppy's 'Mind: The Perpetual Intecourse' album (1986), which coincidentally isn't even metal.