Vocalist Recommendations Please...

Zephyrus said:
Secthdamon of Zyklon nails the black metal screams and low growls quite well, but only occasionally double-tracks.
Double-track - that'st he word I as looking for... Thanks for the recommendation...

cookiecutter said:
Maurizio Iacono from Kataklysm does the high and the low, although his high scream bugs me.

PanzerKunt said:

Anyway check out Narrenschiff(sp) of Ásmegin and Illnath he is insane.
LoL... What I meant is a vocalist that double tracks the two styles - like the guy from Vital Remains...

Thanks for the recommendation...
Teh Grimace said:
goddamit is there some new non-famous singer for vital remains or do you really not know who glen benton is?
Dude, my internet is really slow, so it will take me like about 10 minutes to find his name...

What's wrong with calling him the "Vital Remains guy"? :lol:
Donkey punch said:
wtf r u laughing at? is there a problem with Benton

I dont know what he's laughing at, the original poster already mentioned Benton. Maybe he's laughing at you recommending someone he already knows. Benton is the only one I know that does the high/low double tracking so well.
Donkey punch said:
wtf r u laughing at? is there a problem with Benton
LoL, sorry dude...

It's just taht I was asking for someone who does it like Benton, that's all.