First Bodom song...

some former friend send me follow the reaper and hate me cause he was the one who got me into the whole metal thing and so on and just wanned to see my reaction on such "hard stuff". rofl
however, these two are still (some of) my favorite songs
I think i heard first Silent night bodom night or deadnight warrior.

Sentenced - Trooper ( its not cob never cover this song dammit)
Dispatched or norther - Final Countdown (not cob) :D
Snbn said:
Sentenced - Trooper ( its not cob never cover this song dammit)
Dispatched or norther - Final Countdown (not cob) :D

i dont know what that ^ have to do with your first time hearing cob....
alex1 said:
i dont know what that ^ have to do with your first time hearing cob....

i just read all threads! thats why i but the covers thing there :D i say my first hearing if you noticed that ;)
hmm well im not sure wich was the first song but as i recall the first album that got me into it was FTR. my brother was playing it all the time :grin:
yeh i figured out after seeing you avatar :grin: but we can't chat here or certaint ppl ce popizdit :grin: P.S. your such a fanboy :p :p
i realized that you are tea because of your avatar ''kalmah'' and you had that photo on your dsp photo on msn :P and you wrote that you are blond.... i nema veze sto ce popizdit haha :P.... and sorry for spam :P