First Entire COB Song You learned on Guitar


Young Guitar
Oct 28, 2007
United States
I used the search button and couldn't find a thread about this, so sorry if there was already one. I am 1/2 way through Bodom Beach Terror. At first, I would just learn main riffs, but now I am trying to learn each song in it's entirety. Give or take the solos...You?
Bed of Razors


I played guitar & we played it like 30 seconds faster than the original I think. That vid is from February I think.
I LOL'D at the guy without the shirt at the beginning! Priceless look on his face! :lol:!

Dude, he's the drummer... He sort of tried to look a little funny. There was actually some idiot toolbag in the comments that said "What heppened to the guy who was playing the keyboard"? He should have stayed & played the whole song!!1" It was just me & my friend - 2 people = 2 instruments. Thank heavens for video editing!1

I'm working on Hate Me! I have it all down pat rhythmically but I need to work on the 2nd solo. We're also going to eventually do Sixpounder, but I haven't even started on that one yet, I just know the riffs are cake. He learned the drums recently.
I don't want to be a bitch, but why do we only see youtube videos with very bad players when nearly everyone in here seems to be able to play their hardest stuff?


because less than 5% can play a COB song (without mistakes, even alexi cant:rolleyes:). but everyone has the feeling when others can recognize the song it must be perfect. And no one seems to recognize the notes are wrong he plays...
But why does someone upload a video of he playing the guitar? Does everyone wants the others to be jealous of him? The only video i'm jealous of is Epis the nail sweeping.
The first song EVER I started to learn on guitar was Warheart. I learned it till the part after the sweeps. And actual song which I fully learned first of COB's was BoR.