First Entire COB Song You learned on Guitar

well, i just started playing a year ago, so the only one i can play total is are you dead yet, i think its one of cob´s easiest songs. i´ve also worked on hatebreeder, but there are some really hard sweeps in there, so this one`s gonna take a lot more time
i thought i had posted in this thread, but it seems my memory is failing me. Either that, or my eyes are tricking me..

Anyways, the first bodom song i played END TO END perfectly with solo, was Bed of Razors, because its probably one of their easiest, and i wasnt so skilled back then.

Nowadays im working on Hatebreeder end to end, and the only thing i really "fuck up" is the placement of some parts. But the riffs and solos themselves i have down..
Feels good that the years of playing kind of pay off, because i allways wanted to be able to play this song.

Next goal is Hate Me! i think (can't nail that last sweep in the solo :( Tips would be appreciated!)

:lol: I think you know what everyone will tell you; learn it slow then build up speed gradually etc
:lol: I think you know what everyone will tell you; learn it slow then build up speed gradually etc

Yes whatever, i know that and i do that, BUT the last sweep is odd. i dont know how to finger it. So any TIP or GUIDELINES on a good way to DO that sweep would be appreciated.
Ok Let me realliterate, play the pattern over and over and over at a slow speed, in doing so your fingers will get used to the positioning. When you find that your ok with the positioning, then, build up your speed.
Yes whatever, i know that and i do that, BUT the last sweep is odd. i dont know how to finger it. So any TIP or GUIDELINES on a good way to DO that sweep would be appreciated.


E = pinky
G, C & E = middle finger, barred and rolled
G, C & G = index, hammeron with pinky, pull off back to index.

Slide down to the E without picking, hammer on to the G, pull off to the E again, play the C with your middle finger, low G with your index, back up to the C, then the E, hammer on to the G and then pull off to the E.

First 5 notes are picked with a big "down" sweep. From the G all the way to the E (6 notes) is all legato with no picking. I then play the C with an upstroke, then switch to downstroke to play the G/C/E sweep. The rest is then legato.

I can make a video if you want.
AAAAh just got it now! Only the slide thats sloppy now.. i've been doing it wrongly :( Should have checked out your tab first :lol: But man, thanks A LOT
This made it TONS of times easier, since both of those sweeps i know. Only thing, is the slide, thats the only thing i have a "problem with" Should take me a few tries ;)

You can make a video, but thats just because i want to see that RR in action again :lol: :Saint:

just because i was screwing around with exporting GP to ASCII, i was always curious; what to the letters above the actual tab mean? such as E E E or H etc.
I haven't actually applied any real theory in fookin' ages so sometimes I find myself forgetting stuff. :ill: This is pretty easy though so I'm glad I didn't make myself look stupid. :kickass:
:erk: Forgetting stuff sucks.. I'm still learning theory tho, its going slow but steady.. I feel i need to pick up the pace though

if anyone wonders, here is the duration legend:

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-| - n-tuplets

I wish ASCII tabs were standardized, but i guess adding note lenght is kinda not needed, as most are used to listening to what they are trying to learn while reading the tab.. It can become confusing tho, atleast to me
Yes whatever, i know that and i do that, BUT the last sweep is odd. i dont know how to finger it. So any TIP or GUIDELINES on a good way to DO that sweep would be appreciated.


E = pinky
G, C & E = middle finger, barred and rolled
G, C & G = index, hammeron with pinky, pull off back to index.

Slide down to the E without picking, hammer on to the G, pull off to the E again, play the C with your middle finger, low G with your index, back up to the C, then the E, hammer on to the G and then pull off to the E.

First 5 notes are picked with a big "down" sweep. From the G all the way to the E (6 notes) is all legato with no picking. I then play the C with an upstroke, then switch to downstroke to play the G/C/E sweep. The rest is then legato.

I can make a video if you want.

Actually, I am positive the arpeggio is played like this ...

Hate Me Solo

I corrected many fingerings/positions to make logical sense. Alexi wouldn't play descending 4-note-per-string runs or arpeggios with weird position changes :lol: This is how I adapted to play it. Take it or leave it :p