First Entire COB Song You learned on Guitar


The first song I learned was Are You Dead Yet.
But now I can play Needled 24/7.

And I'm currently trying to get better in You're Better Off Dead and Hate Me.
Its only been one year that I play Guitar :P
Actually, I am positive the arpeggio is played like this ...

Hate Me Solo

I corrected many fingerings/positions to make logical sense. Alexi wouldn't play descending 4-note-per-string runs or arpeggios with weird position changes :lol: This is how I adapted to play it. Take it or leave it :p

That's like 90% exactly the same as my version. he probably did play that last Cmaj arpeggio like that yeah, dno why I tabbed it that way but that's the way I play it.
Not really. Positioning can make ALOT of difference to the sound and how easy it is to play. Like Altitudes was saying, Alexi isn't using 4 note per string runs in this solo, so arranging them so that they are isn't going to help an uneducated player nail this solo.

Check the Japanese transcriptions of Racer X/Paul Gilbert solos and compare them to mine and then see what difference it can make!!
Not really. Positioning can make ALOT of difference to the sound and how easy it is to play. Like Altitudes was saying, Alexi isn't using 4 note per string runs in this solo, so arranging them so that they are isn't going to help an uneducated player nail this solo.

Check the Japanese transcriptions of Racer X/Paul Gilbert solos and compare them to mine and then see what difference it can make!!

Naw, you're both wrong. This is the fingering.



Not really. Positioning can make ALOT of difference to the sound and how easy it is to play. Like Altitudes was saying, Alexi isn't using 4 note per string runs in this solo, so arranging them so that they are isn't going to help an uneducated player nail this solo.

Check the Japanese transcriptions of Racer X/Paul Gilbert solos and compare them to mine and then see what difference it can make!!

Well that is true, but the sound difference is in your fingers anyways. Only difference would be going from the wound strings to the thinner, or the other way around. ON how easy it is to play i agree that it makes alot of difference, but the sound comes down to the player.

Alexi doesnt use 4 note per string runs? You mean like in feks bar 6 and halfway into bar 7 in Altitudes tab? then those positionings are wrong?

I'm at a loss now, because im trying out the different positionings to do that run and i've gotta say, the slide i have to do (since i dont do 4 fingers per string, my hand isnt that developed on that, unless its a chromatic "pattern") makes it sound awkward imo, as i like the sound of every note PICKED. Not that legato is bad, it just, sounds better imo.. Same as slightly palm muted sweeps.. I think i'm gonna go back to the way i did it before, because that was just awkward.

Positioning matters on fast runs, because most people are used to 3 note per string runs. also big jumps are teh lulz. But on feks the first melody in the solo, i dont see any reason for that to be EXACTLY LIKE ALEXI PLAYS it because if i have a better flow in the fingering at an other place on the fretboard, then i will play it there, and i dont see anything wrong in that
That's like 90% exactly the same as my version. he probably did play that last Cmaj arpeggio like that yeah, dno why I tabbed it that way but that's the way I play it.

As long as it sounds good.

As long as it sounds the same, positioning should matter fuck all

You would think :lol: ...

Not really. Positioning can make ALOT of difference to the sound and how easy it is to play. Like Altitudes was saying, Alexi isn't using 4 note per string runs in this solo, so arranging them so that they are isn't going to help an uneducated player nail this solo.

Check the Japanese transcriptions of Racer X/Paul Gilbert solos and compare them to mine and then see what difference it can make!!

I was going to say something to the same extent! :lol:

Alexi doesnt use 4 note per string runs? You mean like in feks bar 6 and halfway into bar 7 in Altitudes tab? then those positionings are wrong?

Positioning matters on fast runs, because most people are used to 3 note per string runs. also big jumps are teh lulz. But on feks the first melody in the solo, i dont see any reason for that to be EXACTLY LIKE ALEXI PLAYS it because if i have a better flow in the fingering at an other place on the fretboard, then i will play it there, and i dont see anything wrong in that

Alexi does ASCENDING 4 note per string runs in bar 6 and half way in bar 7 using slides to change positions and DESCENDING 3 note per string runs to finish off that fast passage, all straight 16th notes.

And yes, play it any way you wish. That is why when I posted my corrections I wrote, "This is how I adapted to play the solo". My way is probably closest to how Alexi plays it but I am not sure which harmony part he plays live. Like I said, "Take it or leave it". :lol:
Well that is true, but the sound difference is in your fingers anyways. Only difference would be going from the wound strings to the thinner, or the other way around. ON how easy it is to play i agree that it makes alot of difference, but the sound comes down to the player.

Alexi doesnt use 4 note per string runs? You mean like in feks bar 6 and halfway into bar 7 in Altitudes tab? then those positionings are wrong?

I'm at a loss now, because im trying out the different positionings to do that run and i've gotta say, the slide i have to do (since i dont do 4 fingers per string, my hand isnt that developed on that, unless its a chromatic "pattern") makes it sound awkward imo, as i like the sound of every note PICKED. Not that legato is bad, it just, sounds better imo.. Same as slightly palm muted sweeps.. I think i'm gonna go back to the way i did it before, because that was just awkward.

Positioning matters on fast runs, because most people are used to 3 note per string runs. also big jumps are teh lulz. But on feks the first melody in the solo, i dont see any reason for that to be EXACTLY LIKE ALEXI PLAYS it because if i have a better flow in the fingering at an other place on the fretboard, then i will play it there, and i dont see anything wrong in that

i actually liked the way mitch tabbed the first fast picked harmonized scale run in his original hate me tab. 4 notes a string with a 1st finger slide to start the lick.
Well, I already posted a video of me doing Tie My Rope like 1 hour after I learned it.
You should take a look.
Just look at my Profile on YouTube : KiraQC :P
Practice MOAR!!! Really, I couldn't watch the whole thing! :lol:

Aw c'mon!
I've been only playing for one year and it sound great without the webcam!
Just because of the webcam, it reduce the quality as hell.
Sorry for being a Guitar Newbie heh.
But well, I'm looking for a new guitar currently, so I'll see.
You really shouldn't be posting videos of your self on youtube unless you can play very well or close to perfect. I would suggest practicing more than an hour for a song before recording yourself either. It isn't the web-camera's fault, or the guitar :lol:
You really shouldn't be posting videos of your self on youtube unless you can play very well or close to perfect. I would suggest practicing more than an hour for a song before recording yourself either. It isn't the web-camera's fault, or the guitar :lol:

It's deffinetly the pickups fault.
Okay, Okay!
Next time I'll post a video when I'll know how to play the song near of the perfect...
But, I'm trying my best everytime to learn and practice a music. Tie My Rope was a little, how can I say that... Test, just to see how people could react to how un-experienced I was... And I already see the result heh.
But, Okay, its been only 1 year that I play guitar, like everyday, I play a music because I want to get better. Its sure that its long to be good at guitar, but I'm doing my best to heh.
And, I don't have a good Guitar and Amp at all... Yeah, okay, its maybe good for beginer like me, but like everyone, I would like to have The God Guitar with The God Amp heh, but well, I should get a work before dreaming.
But if you get any tips to help me getting better, just send me them as a PM or something kind of, well, my MSN is there.
But lets go back to the song,

Tie My Rope is seriously one of those musics I really like to hear at the morning when I wake up, but its kinda easy to learn it, but its so an Logical Song.
If I hear all the others musics of COB and I look at Tie My Rope, I can't really reconize the "type" of the musics if I compare with Bodom After Midnight or every other songs. That's why when I hear that music for the first time, I was like : Oh My God, I have to learn it fast and play it! But like everyone said, I have to practice more, and that's what I'm going to do... All your comments / tips you gave me about my performance just gave me a butt-kick, and seriously, I'll work to be better. Thanks. But do you agree guys, that Tie My Rope is so LOGICAL!! :P