First Entire COB Song You learned on Guitar

Touch like angel of death [On keyboard]
-I also know the live version
And I knew -not perfectly- the Angels Don't Kill but with bad notes so I re-learn it..
Touch like angel of death [On keyboard]
-I also know the live version
And I knew -not perfectly- the Angels Don't Kill but with bad notes so I re-learn it..

I had the same problem with Angels Don't Kill... I had to mix 6-7 different tabs to make it right:goggly:
I've still not found a good tab for the Hate Me solos... None of them matches what Alexi plays on CRY...Any suggestions???:rock:
I know...but I've only been playing for 1.5'll come eventually i guess...believe me I've tried to play by seriously doesn't work for me...but I resently began takin' guitarlessons...maybe it helps:rock:
Never tried Angel Don't Kill!
But Hate Me is so damn hard!
Well, for Hate Me, I didn't looked at those tabs... Maybe I should heh!
But I will look for Angel Don't Kill maybe... But I have to practise other musics than COB, so, I can't really play it heh
Hey guys, I'm new here although i have come to this site frequently for tabs thanks to Warheart. the first full cob song i learnt was every time i die but i sucked at the solo coz i didn't have a floyd rose at the time.
First one is return to the fourth world solo. lol at the end coz i messed up the improv tap.
second one is living dead beat solo aswell. im gonna record the whole of chokehold (EDIT: i meant follow the reaper (i was listenin to chokehold at the time lol)) sometime next week coz i have exams

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Hey guys, I'm new here although i have come to this site frequently for tabs thanks to Warheart. the first full cob song i learnt was every time i die but i sucked at the solo coz i didn't have a floyd rose at the time.

I thought that guitar was "new", davidaftermidnight :rolleyes: I also thought you were selling that guitar from your guitar store, not from your own possession. If you couldn't already tell I'm the guy from ebay. Just giving you a heads up ;)
I thought that guitar was "new", davidaftermidnight :rolleyes: I also thought you were selling that guitar from your guitar store, not from your own possession. If you couldn't already tell I'm the guy from ebay. Just giving you a heads up ;)

im not who u think i am. i live in new zealand and im only 15 yrs old so i would not work in a guitar store. i bought my rr24 from ebay member funkymunkymusic
anyway this the best quality i can get the living dead beat solo, my cam is rubbish
EDIT:forgot to post link lol
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