First Entire COB Song You learned on Guitar

^ Oh, Sorry for being too poor to have a good guitar and amp, and record my covers on a Real Camera.
The reason why I'm posting video on YouTube, its to know what point I should train up.
^ Oh, Sorry for being too poor to have a good guitar and amp, and record my covers on a Real Camera.
The reason why I'm posting video on YouTube, its to know what point I should train up.

This is pathetic, stop trying to blame everything but your poor playing.
This is pathetic, stop trying to blame everything but your poor playing.

I'm not trying to blame everything!
Everyone who know me from real life told me that I was a good player, even those people who was better than me! My WebCam bullshited the quality of the video and that's not my fault!
You can still watch a video of amazing quality even if it's horrible quality. Fact is, yours just wasn't good playing. Please, just practise easier stuff first before even attempting anything COB related.
I'm going to be better, I just need songs to practice as well exept of COB, that's all. If you get good songs to practise, tell me :P!

Lets go back to the main subject now okay? heh
and also impossible,:lol:

about editing videos on youtube,....well,I deleted myself all my old videos(from a year ago) today because what then seemed ''not bad'' today was totally fucking shit,:lol: I might record some of them again when I get the guitar back from the rehearshall place(the one I have usually at home sucks hard,:lol:)and ask for your opinion.they were easy ones:SNBN,Crystal Mountain by Death and The Antichrist by Slayer.oh,and Pursuit Of Vikings by Amon Amarth,which back then I did without palm mute,hehehe(it sucked the most,:lol:)
^ Oh, Sorry for being too poor to have a good guitar and amp, and record my covers on a Real Camera.
The reason why I'm posting video on YouTube, its to know what point I should train up.

I'm not trying to blame everything!
Everyone who know me from real life told me that I was a good player, even those people who was better than me! My WebCam bullshited the quality of the video and that's not my fault!

I'm going to be better, I just need songs to practice as well exept of COB, that's all. If you get good songs to practise, tell me :P!

Lets go back to the main subject now okay? heh

this is so :lol:!!!!

a bad craftsman blames his tools. srsly!!

and your haughty defensiveness doesn't help either :p
this is so :lol:!!!!

a bad craftsman blames his tools. srsly!!

and your haughty defensiveness doesn't help either :p

Sorry bout that heh, I was kinda in a bad mood, now I'm okay! Yeah my playing is kind of shity, but I'll get better before posting new video! Thanks guy for helping me heh!

Sorry to everyone who saw my videos pukes but heh, If I keep a link here, it shall be okay in some other years :P!
Sorry bout that heh, I was kinda in a bad mood, now I'm okay! Yeah my playing is kind of shity, but I'll get better before posting new video! Thanks guy for helping me heh!

Sorry to everyone who saw my videos pukes but heh, If I keep a link here, it shall be okay in some other years :P!

i must applaud your optimism, if nothing else. that's def the spirit ;)
i must applaud your optimism, if nothing else. that's def the spirit ;)

Thanks heh!

But currently, one of my friend sent me a good song : Smoke On The Water.
You know that Budweiser song huh!
Okay, its a little too easy, for the rythm guitar, never tried the others...
But well! That's it! If you guys have good musics, send :P!:rock:
Try doing it by ear or by watching live performances! That will definitely help. Another song you could try would be "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest,