First condenser mic (AT 4040?)


New Metal Member
May 17, 2012
Rome, Italy
I was thinking of buying a condenser mic to record some vocals and acoustic guitar, it would be my first one. My budget is around 150/180 €.

I was leaning towards an akg c2000B (150 new) but I just found an Audio Technica AT 4040 for 180 €.

Any opinions on them? Other possibilities?
Also, how's a condenser to record growls and heavy vocals?

Thank you guys.
Ok guys good news. A guy is offering me a shure ksm 27 for 170€, which is a very good price. What do you think, should i go for the shure or for the 4040? Unfortunately I Don't have the possibility to try them.
Money wise, I'd choose the ksm but personally I'd go for the 4040. No help here ahahah!

EDIT: it's actually in the price range man. I just saw one for 140€. Def the 4040 for me ;)
There is something about these mics i like. Im not sure what it is exactly but they sound "real". Very quiet microphones as well. And the built in pad makes them a no brainer. I took back rode nt5 and much prefer the sound of these. Even though the frequency response looks a little wacky they sound very "neutral" to me yet not clinical. Hope this description helps.