First Leg of Maiden's USA Tour Announced!

I drove from San Fran all the way down to Irvine to catch Maiden last time around on the AMOLAD tour.
They usually hit the Bay Area or somewhere comparable, so I was pretty irritated that they didn't make it up here last time...but it was fun counting the number of honking horns and strange looks as my galfriend and I sped all the way there with "IRON MAIDEN OR BUST!" painted on the rear window of my car and every Maiden album known to man (with the exception of Blayze...of course) blaring from within. :kickass:

They're hitting Concord this tour though...I am pleased. :grin:
Well, I just tried to Google Map "zzz" but it didn't produce an ideal result as to your location. Now you may work at ZZZ Records in Des Moines, IA, or ZZZ's Bail Bonds in Murietta, CA, or ZZZ's RV's in Ottawa, KS but sadly, as you pointed out, those are not near tour stops on THIS LEG.

Seriously though, keep in mind they still have a 2nd leg (or maybe even 3rd leg?) of dates yet to announce... there is still a chance they will play near you. Keep the faith...

Keep the faith? Kind of hard to do that when Maiden have not come to a place in 12+ years.