First Metal Songs To Hear?


Pepsi Fiend
Jul 24, 2003
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Some of my earliest metal songs were Judas Priests' Screamin For Vengeance and Freewheel Burning, Ted Nugents Great White Buffalo and Stormtroopin and some Sabbath songs. What about you?
I'd heard Iron Maiden, Priest and all the classics previously, but the first metal song I remember listening to is In Flames - Episode 666
Tanith said:
but the first metal song I remember listening to is In Flames - Episode 666
Yea, mine was an In flames song too but I don't remember...i just forgot arrr, and then some old Metallica
I vaguely remind of Motörhead 'Iron Fist', Kreator 'Pleasure to Kill' , & Venom 'At War...', but I'm not sure which was the first indeed ...
Either Rob Zombie's Meet The Creeper or Godsmack's Awake. To this day, still two of my favorite metal songs.