First powerlifting meet yesterday...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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So this is my other hobby, I'm probably a lot more into it these days than music stuff to be honest... Not sure if anyone here is into it at all but I had a good time and thought I'd throw up a post about it....


Missed my third squat attempt because I didn't wait for the rack command before racking the bar, dumbass n00b mistake especially since I did wait on my previous attempts. Was just too fired up I guess. Was hoping to total 1100lbs and would have if that squat counted so that's a bummer, and I got a little greedy on my last deadlift at the last minute and bumped my final attempt up 5kg, bad idea in hindsight but oh well.

Anyone else here ever compete?
Damn, good work dude, wish I could hit those kinda numbers! I'm too weak to compete, hopefully one day.

Also, are you aware?
I love going to the gym, and I enjoy doing weightlifting, but competing, trying to lift as heavy as possible big huge popping chest kinda thing definitely ain't for me. I'm more the one to do a shitload of lifting in 25/30 minutes, then go on the treadmill at 12km/h for 20 minutes straight. Good job though, keep at it.
Nearly got fucked up today after losing balance squatting with 160kg on my second rep, fucking retarded going for near my limit without a spot :ill:
Damn, good work dude, wish I could hit those kinda numbers! I'm too weak to compete, hopefully one day.

Also, are you aware?

Haha thanks, I don't think I understand the joke at the end though, maybe I missed a thread...

I love going to the gym, and I enjoy doing weightlifting, but competing, trying to lift as heavy as possible big huge popping chest kinda thing definitely ain't for me. I'm more the one to do a shitload of lifting in 25/30 minutes, then go on the treadmill at 12km/h for 20 minutes straight. Good job though, keep at it.

Ah I just find it's a lot more fun when you're actually trying to improve and beat personal records instead of just going in and doing whatever to try and be in shape. I'm not interested in being a ripped muscular maniac, but trying to get stronger is a really fulfilling hobby for some reason, more fun and rewarding than recording music lately anyways because I don't have to put any trust in anyone's abilities but my own.

Do you even lift?

Jokes, those numbers are impressive as hell.

Thanks man, I wish those numbers were impressive though, I'm still pretty new to this and in my weight class there was a dude who benched over 400lbs and several guys squatting in the high 400s and deadlifting in the 500s! Some insane strong guys in the higher weight classes though, lots of raw world records were set at the meet yesterday, pretty cool.
Haha, yeah nevermind. Allan D would get the inside joke there.

The SPF has been terrible with judging squat depth lately.
It's been absolutely cringe worthy seeing all squat records being broken, because lifters are packing on more weight, but the lifts are given the green light because SPF judges are complete hacks. Boycott those stupid bastards if you can.
Good to see you actually have your integrity and squat to depth. Hell, not just to depth, but you're going even lower than parallel, which is even more impressive
My gym personal records at about 105 kg bodyweight few years ago.
S 5x200kg but in a smith machine... so it would be maybe about 180kg 1 rep max on a free bar.
B 180kg in the same machine and 167.5kg normal
D 205kg sumo style and alternating grip.

Congrats on having balls to compete :)
That´s one weird hobbie. Do people have to test for steroids (or similar) on these competitions or anything goes?
I haven't competed yet. I train though. My little brother holds a shit ton of world records though in his federations.

I feel like I'm not built for powerlifting, more for aesthetics unfortunately. I have a pretty bitchy body by nature, unlike my brother who is built like a square.
What are your PR's Tone-bone :D

Also, was that your little brother filming it Adam? :lol: Oh, and what do you normally squat/bench/deadlift/press for reps during your workouts? (5RM's in other words, I guess)
That´s one weird hobbie. Do people have to test for steroids (or similar) on these competitions or anything goes?

Different organisations different rules.

AFAIK Some have rules specially designed to be easy to circumvent.

They do it because they want their athletes to lift REALLY heavy and make these organisations famous.
What are your PR's Tone-bone :D

Also, was that your little brother filming it Adam? :lol: Oh, and also, what do you normally squat/bench/deadlift/press for reps during your workouts? (5RM's in other words, I guess)

I've never actually done a complete all out all.

I've done doubles. I like to leave a little gas in the tank. Bench and squat are somwhere around 3 and half. Which is WEAK SAUCE. My deads at like a bit over 5. Still trying to get strength back after tour....

Overhead bar clean and press is like 215 which is also kinda shitty.

I'm up to a solid 240lb bodyweight though haha.
wow those are some big numbers! congrats man! cool vid there..

have you ever got into crossfit, i have a couple buddys who are pretty serious and compete in crossfit .... check it out if you have never heard of it , these guys are Machines !

pumped cause i just bought a squat rack and a bench yesterday , going to get the plates today ! Woo!
I've never actually done a complete all out all.

I've done doubles. I like to leave a little gas in the tank. Bench and squat are somwhere around 3 and half. Which is WEAK SAUCE. My deads at like a bit over 5. Still trying to get strength back after tour....

Overhead bar clean and press is like 215 which is also kinda shitty.

I'm up to a solid 240lb bodyweight though haha.

Haha, right on man, as long as you're low bf% who cares? That's quite the disparity between squats and deads though, any idea why? (I'm no expert, it just seems like from what I've read they're normally closer, though deads still higher)
Haha, right on man, as long as you're low bf% who cares? That's quite the disparity between squats and deads though, any idea why? (I'm no expert, it just seems like from what I've read they're normally closer, though deads still higher)

It comes down to my body type. I've got these ape arms hanging and a long gay looking torso so it's easier for my body to pull. I'm built so douchey.

I've also been on tour for a while so I lose a shit ton of strength in my legs...:(
My body fat is waaaay down. I'm like a few months away from like abfest 2011
What are your PR's Tone-bone :D

Also, was that your little brother filming it Adam? :lol: Oh, and what do you normally squat/bench/deadlift/press for reps during your workouts? (5RM's in other words, I guess)

Hahaha, it was actually my girlfriends little cousin, he's 9 and doesn't have very steady hands it seems :lol:

Lately all my workouts have had me working up to one max set of 5+, which means I go for as many as possible but as long as I hit at least 5 I still bump the weight up next time I lift. It's a good system because it allows me to still complete my lifts on days where I'm not feeling great or didn't get enough sleep or something, but also gives me the flexibility to kick ass when I'm feeling strong. Sort of a Jim Wendler inspired philosophy, but programmed to progress faster than his program since I'm still only really an advanced novice or new intermediate lifter and can make gains faster than an advanced lifter. Most recent ones from the week before the meet were these:

Squat 315 x 10
Bench 250 x 8
Deadlift 325 x 10

I used this calculation to choose my 3rd attempts (which is my real goal for the meet), based on my best recent rep maxes:

(Reps * Weight)/30 + Weight

So for the squat that works out to 420, so I went a little conservative and did the 413, with my 1st and 2nd attempts being approx. 85% and 92.5% of my goal. I want the first two attempts to feel pretty easy to get some confidence going which settled my nerves a lot especially for my first meet.