Powerlifting meet number 2 today...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Since the first thread was such a hit in the summer I figured I'd post about my second meet here as well. This is just copy and pasted from my training log:

Video for anyone who doesn't want to read the whole thing first:

Wednesday night was the last time I ate food. I drank water Thursday morning, but stopped around 2:30pm and cut hard for weigh ins on Friday. I weighed 230 at the beginning of the cut and came in at 218.7 by weigh ins at 1pm on Friday. I felt like shit, was thirsty as hell and wanted to die, but I did it and the gatorade I drank immediately after tasted better than anything I've ever tasted in my life, haha... I didn't weigh myself again before the meet but went to bed last night at 228, so I was most definitely back up to 230+ before the meet, especially after this breakfast:


We got to the meet just before 11am (lifting was supposed to start at 12) but the high school meet that was running before was way behind. First flight didn't squat until 2:30pm.

I started my squats around 3:45pm, and opened with an easy 407. I hit 451 after that which was a little tougher, but let my friend convince me to go for 473 on my third. It was a fucking grind but I got it, three whites. 20 pound PR, 90 pound meet PR.

Benching started a couple hours later. I crushed my 297 opener no problem. 319 went up a little slower and shook my confidence a bit because I was aiming to go 336 on my third. I dropped my third to 330 and it went up even faster than 319, I could have gotten the 336 without any trouble. No regrets though, it's still a 10 pound PR and 27 pound meet PR.

We watched the third flight benches, particularly because Clint Harwood was benching who holds the Canadian record. He opened with 380. KILOGRAMS. EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX FUCKING POUNDS. And he got it.

I opened with 451 on my deadlift and it felt solid. 500.5 was my second attempt because I had to get 500 at this meet, I was not letting it not happen so I wanted to make sure I had two chances. The lift slowed down at my knees but I grinded it out and got the lift, 3 whites. I decided to take 511.5 for my third. I ripped it off of the floor as hard as I could and it did not slow down once. Got it past my knees, dragged it up my thighs, and locked it out confident that I just fucking killed it. 3 reds, for hitching or something. I was fucking robbed and after you see the video you will agree, my second deadlift was ten times uglier and got 3 whites. So officially it was a miss, but I fucking deadlifted 511.5 pounds in my books.

Officially I walked out with a 592.5kg total, 1303.5 pounds which is a 212.5 pound increase since my meet in June. Really can't complain, my lifts couldn't have gone better. Going to take the week off of training and re-assess my goals and see what's next.
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Good work man, nice strength increases since last time!

You were treading that fine line between hitching and a clean pull on both your second and third attempts, so I can see why you got red lights.
Your bench strength is getting pretty crazy. So many people tend to plateau really hard around 285-315lbs, but you seem to be powering through that region.
How's the training program currently look?
How many calories you reckon is in that meal? I can get to about 1500 calories in one sitting (I only eat 2-3 meals per day, so it's a pretty regular thing for me to eat 1000+ calories per meal)
After read the title I swear I was expecting a video where a dude would crap his pants while lifting weight.
Gratz :)

Interesting that your best squat and deadlift are better than my PR, but you still have some way to go to catch my PR in bench press :)

Yeah i am all upper body because of my bad lower back...
Nice Adam!

The last "footage" I saw of you was when you uploaded a Decrepit Birth cover on youtube years ago. I didn't even recognise you in this vid.
Good work man, nice strength increases since last time!

You were treading that fine line between hitching and a clean pull on both your second and third attempts, so I can see why you got red lights.
Your bench strength is getting pretty crazy. So many people tend to plateau really hard around 285-315lbs, but you seem to be powering through that region.
How's the training program currently look?
How many calories you reckon is in that meal? I can get to about 1500 calories in one sitting (I only eat 2-3 meals per day, so it's a pretty regular thing for me to eat 1000+ calories per meal)

Thanks man! Yeah I need to clean up my deadlift lockout big time, just disappointed that the second one passed and the third didn't really I should probably just be grateful that the second one passed. My bench is a good lift for me but it's getting to be pretty slow going. I use 5/3/1 for all my pressing movements and it seems to be working pretty well. Prior to this meet I was also using 5/3/1 for my squat and deadlift but going to be changing that up to more of a Texas Method-ish progression on my squats and probably just alternate lighter and heavier deadlifts each week.

No idea about that meal, something like 2 eggs, some sausages, some bacon, some ham, homefries, toast and pancakes, pretty decent breakfast, I'm guessing around the 1500 calorie mark as well. I can't eat much more than that either, I was pretty full after that, haha... I don't think I ever eat less than 1000 calories in a meal, but that's why I'm a chubby fuck.
You must have a crazy strong bench because I feel like even my bench is disproportionately higher than my squat and DL haha... What's your best?

Nothing to brag about. 167.5kg gym style (no arch) on a normal flat bench and free bar and 180kg in smith machine.
And thats a distant past now :) Maybe i will return to the old glory someday, or maybe not...

Are you training "Westside" style ? Max explosive power muscle memory ?

[edit] LOL i thought a "leotard" was something only hot girls wear... i learned a new word meaning today !