@ those guys who don't care about abs.. have you ever had proper abs? It's kinda awesome getting up in the morning and seeing a full 6 pack and the rest of the body is equally ripped (bathroom has great lighting which helps). If you haven't had that then I can understand why you wouldn't care. Additionally, my face carries a lot of baby fat (apparently I look 17, at 21 even with a bit of stubble going :/ I think I look older so fuck em), so getting fatter would only make me look younger (plus, dat jaw). Additionally#2, I don't see the point in carrying any additional fat, especially if you want to be decent at 'athletics' in general, not just lifting. Weighing 200 pounds+ at 15% bodyfat would be awful for any sort of cardio I'd imagine, or most other athletics. Earlier this year, I climbed a tree using just my arms. I can only do that because the weight I'm carrying is almost all muscle.
Hence I'm aiming, atm, to get to about 170-75lbs at 8-10% body fat. Seems attainable, will provide me with a physique that not only looks badass but is good at ALL kinds of athletics.
But what do you look like now, like this?

I would never think seeing that in the mirror is awesome, or not being able to fill out a size small t-shirt is awesome.
15% bodyfat isn't very high at all, there are dudes in the NFL that are fatter than that that are still EXTREMELY well conditioned and could out sprint any average skinny dude...
My whole life I've always been a bit of a chubbier dude, never obese or anything but always had a bit of a belly... I went through a period a couple of years ago where I wanted to finally get lean because I was sick of always being a fatty and wanted to feel better about taking my shirt off at the beach or whatever like anyone would. I dieted hard for like 3 months and took pictures every week in the mirror so I could compare them each week and see if I was making progress (since it's hard to notice the difference daily)... Sort of embarrassing to post but this is where I ended up eventually:

If you cover my head with your thumb or something I look ok, but with my head in there for reference you can see how fucking small I was :/ I would never want to look like that again. I was about 167lbs in that picture...
Now here's a picture from yesterday weighing 208lbs:

My head actually looks like it fits on my body, a miracle!

So I dunno, I do understand the abs appeal, I wanted it once too just because of confidence issues but once I started to actually get strong I started to like the way I filled out my clothes a lot better than how I did when I was a 167lb weakling.
If I ever end up with visible abs I want it to be because my abs are strong as hell from deadlifting 600lbs, not just because I'm crazy skinny. Everybody would have visible abs if they dieted down to a low enough weight, but being able to see a muscle doesn't mean that muscle is in any way useful, especially when the person is just skinny and weak.