First powerlifting meet yesterday...

@ those guys who don't care about abs.. have you ever had proper abs? It's kinda awesome getting up in the morning and seeing a full 6 pack and the rest of the body is equally ripped (bathroom has great lighting which helps). If you haven't had that then I can understand why you wouldn't care. Additionally, my face carries a lot of baby fat (apparently I look 17, at 21 even with a bit of stubble going :/ I think I look older so fuck em), so getting fatter would only make me look younger (plus, dat jaw). Additionally#2, I don't see the point in carrying any additional fat, especially if you want to be decent at 'athletics' in general, not just lifting. Weighing 200 pounds+ at 15% bodyfat would be awful for any sort of cardio I'd imagine, or most other athletics. Earlier this year, I climbed a tree using just my arms. I can only do that because the weight I'm carrying is almost all muscle.
Hence I'm aiming, atm, to get to about 170-75lbs at 8-10% body fat. Seems attainable, will provide me with a physique that not only looks badass but is good at ALL kinds of athletics.

But what do you look like now, like this?

I would never think seeing that in the mirror is awesome, or not being able to fill out a size small t-shirt is awesome.

15% bodyfat isn't very high at all, there are dudes in the NFL that are fatter than that that are still EXTREMELY well conditioned and could out sprint any average skinny dude...

My whole life I've always been a bit of a chubbier dude, never obese or anything but always had a bit of a belly... I went through a period a couple of years ago where I wanted to finally get lean because I was sick of always being a fatty and wanted to feel better about taking my shirt off at the beach or whatever like anyone would. I dieted hard for like 3 months and took pictures every week in the mirror so I could compare them each week and see if I was making progress (since it's hard to notice the difference daily)... Sort of embarrassing to post but this is where I ended up eventually:


If you cover my head with your thumb or something I look ok, but with my head in there for reference you can see how fucking small I was :/ I would never want to look like that again. I was about 167lbs in that picture...

Now here's a picture from yesterday weighing 208lbs:

My head actually looks like it fits on my body, a miracle! :lol:

So I dunno, I do understand the abs appeal, I wanted it once too just because of confidence issues but once I started to actually get strong I started to like the way I filled out my clothes a lot better than how I did when I was a 167lb weakling.

If I ever end up with visible abs I want it to be because my abs are strong as hell from deadlifting 600lbs, not just because I'm crazy skinny. Everybody would have visible abs if they dieted down to a low enough weight, but being able to see a muscle doesn't mean that muscle is in any way useful, especially when the person is just skinny and weak.
@Marcus, if you thought Jim Wendler's traps were too big in that photo check it out when he was actually huge and still competing:


An excerpt from an article he wrote on "the yoke" (which is sort of an inside joke for what they call the traps/neck/rear delt area over at EliteFTS):

...Besides the possibility of a large yoke getting you some nighttime nummsies (which should be enough to convince any man), the yoke is the basis on which you will be judged. This may seem like a harsh statement, but let’s face the facts. We live in a society that judges on physical appearance. Having big legs is ok, but no one notices. Big arms make you seem too narcissistic. A big chest makes you look like Captain UpperBody; a superhero no one wants to dress up like during Halloween. So that leaves the yoke as the essential body part to develop.

I have said this a million times before; a big yoke = instant respect. No one wants to screw with a guy that has a big neck and a thick yoke. A massive yoke smells of hard work, strength, fighting and toughness. Every other muscle can be small if a big yoke is present.

I always get a good laugh out of that article, Wendler is a funny dude...
Those seriously look like giant tumors, gross :lol: But respect for what you've achieved man, and I'm open to the possibility that my perspective might change once my lifts reach respectable levels - but for right now, nothing motivates me like a good 80s action movie :D (and Van Damme definitely had strength, he could bench like 350, which for me is plenty good enough, cuz I defy you to find a woman who isn't a female bodybuilder that wouldn't prefer a guy with his physique over tumor-yoke up there :lol: )
Adam, do those extra inches of height really mean you have to go the extra mile as far as weight is concerned?

Not to give you a complex but I would never have guessed you were around 208lbs.
Öwen;9872935 said:
Adam, do those extra inches of height really mean you have to go the extra mile as far as weight is concerned?

Not to give you a complex but I would never have guessed you were around 208lbs.

Here is the Adam Wathan Patented Height to Weight formula devised this morning :lol:

Target weight = (Height in inches * 5) - 150

*please don't take this post too seriously, the formula does give surprisingly reasonable numbers though for someone trying to become reasonably burly :lol:*
I got 190, sounds about right, I'd like to be 170-180 without the fat tho.

I worked you out at 205, doesnt that mean its time for a cut (kidding)

I guess it depends on leg size as well, you see a lot of burly guys who obviously don't train legs and post in the less than 200lbs area, I have the opposite problem - my legs are huge compared to the rest of my frame, I'm in serious danger of my thigh size outstripping my chest if I keep working them :lol:
But what do you look like now, like this?

A little bulkier than that, with non-painted-on abs and decent legs for my size. We all start somewhere (for me, flexing didn't even change the size of my arms when I started), don't hate.

shortened as to not waste space

15% bodyfat isn't that high, true. And of course there are fatter guys that could outsprint the average skinny guy. I was the average skinny guy and I fucking sucked at any type of athletics. But someone who's 6ft, 170-180lbs at 8-10% bodyfat would outsprint the 210lb fatter rugby player any day of the week, assuming equal skill. And I'd argue that that's the best 'all round' physique.

I don't even know what you're getting at in your post where you claim wanting abs is a confidence issue. First you claim its homo to work out for looks, and then base the whole 'I don't want abs anyway' argument as "I look better at 200lbs, higher bodyfat". :S? Maybe you've just got a big head (literally, not figuratively) - 'emorexia' dude seems to be more in proportion at less weight than you at 167lbs.

Öwen;9872981 said:
my legs are huge compared to the rest of my frame, I'm in serious danger of my thigh size outstripping my chest if I keep working them :lol:

I empathise. I lost quite a bit of leg weight during my accutane, but for a while all I could do was back + legs.. started to look like a centaur because of the out-of-proportionness.
You're manly enough in my books brah, no worries, hahaha...

The clean and press kicks ass, I like doing it as a conditioning workout now and then with around 100lbs or so, tabata style. It will flatten you :lol:

Hhahaha yea sorry for my ridiculous post. I know none of that was really aimed at me anyway.

I just get sad sometimes with this subject and feel the need to explain myself. Hahaha.

That formula is a little off for me as well ha.
I weigh 240lbs now (108.5kg) but I look like I weigh 200 cause of my stupid build. It sucks ass.
A little bulkier than that, with non-painted-on abs and decent legs for my size. We all start somewhere (for me, flexing didn't even change the size of my arms when I started), don't hate.

15% bodyfat isn't that high, true. And of course there are fatter guys that could outsprint the average skinny guy. I was the average skinny guy and I fucking sucked at any type of athletics. But someone who's 6ft, 170-180lbs at 8-10% bodyfat would outsprint the 210lb fatter rugby player any day of the week, assuming equal skill. And I'd argue that that's the best 'all round' physique.

I think to try and put it as simply as possible I guess, I think too many people want to be skinny instead of lean. Like dudes trying to fit into skinny jeans and dieting down to 145lbs just to see their abs while going for long distance runs for cardio, I dunno. I don't think that's something to strive for as far as physique goals go. Just a lot of misinformed young people out there I guess want to lift weights and look better and stuff but they are so concerned about staying <10% BF that they will never put on any muscle mass because they aren't eating enough and are doing too much low intensity cardio because they are afraid of fat. It's bad enough that girls have the mentality that they have to be skinny so when guys start thinking like that it's face palm central.

Being lean is admirable and impressive when you have built something worth showing off but I think so many 150lb kids at 8% bodyfat would look a hell of a lot better at 175 and 14%. I dunno, I guess I am just disappointed in the way being skinny is almost glamourized at the moment. My opinion is that being skinny is something guys should be trying to fix just like being overweight. You can be lean without being skinny, and I personally think being strong is more important than being lean, so I would rather be strong before trying to drop to sub 10% BF levels, because people who are weak and under 10% BF don't look good, they just look skinny and weak which is what they are.

Anyways I'm not trying to insult or attack anyone here, the way people look without training and eating specifically to change it is of course largely genetic and environment based, everyone's body has it's own natural spot it wants to sit at. But again all I'm trying to really say is being skinny is still undesirable in my opinion just like being fat. That's not me saying I have some problem with skinny or fat people for being skinny or fat, that's ridiculous and I don't. I'm just saying purely from an aesthetic point of view, they are both as bad as each other in my opinion.

I don't even know what you're getting at in your post where you claim wanting abs is a confidence issue. First you claim its homo to work out for looks, and then base the whole 'I don't want abs anyway' argument as "I look better at 200lbs, higher bodyfat". :S? Maybe you've just got a big head (literally, not figuratively) - 'emorexia' dude seems to be more in proportion at less weight than you at 167lbs.

When I first got into weight training it was definitely because I wasn't happy with how I looked and was a confidence issue. After getting into it though I realized how much I actually enjoyed it from a competitive standpoint, even when just competing against my own numbers and that's when I really started to make my best progress and get excited about training. I think anyone who lifts weights has some passing interest in looking their best, and I still care about looking good, nobody wants to look like shit obviously, but I think taking it to the point where you are getting off on looking at yourself in the mirror is where it starts to get weird, haha... I don't need a mirror in my weight room to really enjoy what I'm doing in there if that makes sense.

And yeah maybe I do have a big head. Even L-XL flexfit hats are tight on me, haha...

Come to Canada and I'll teach you to squat 300lb Morgan! Trust me you'll think it's pretty sweet when you can do it :kickass:
Here is the Adam Wathan Patented Height to Weight formula devised this morning :lol:

Target weight = (Height in inches * 5) - 150

*please don't take this post too seriously, the formula does give surprisingly reasonable numbers though for someone trying to become reasonably burly :lol:*

That equation actually gives my weight within a pound or two. I am 6 foot 4 and 228lbs. Wish it was all muscle. My workouts go great for 4 to 6 months and then I have my chronic back pain flair up and kick my ass.

I have been the really thin cardio guy before. I use to run serious long distance in Korea. I ran a half marathon in boots carrying a 40 lb ruck sack over hilly terrain while it poured rain on my one time. Back when I was a tough buck and about 194 lbs. I have lots of respect for the determination and discipline long distance runners have. I am an old pussy now.:loco:

In Iraq I couldn't run as much, but I could lift weights. So I beefed up to 225 lbs in about six months with only a tiny change in my waist size. I went from benching 195 lbs to 240. It built lots of confidence and kept me motivated.

Other guys would come back from a 14 hour mission that lasted all through the night and write letters and be home sick blah blah blah. I would pump iron, eat like a horse and be ready to play more G.I. Joe.

Lift weights to change my looks? I started lifting so I could lift 45 to 90 lbs of gear and march with it. To carry my wounded buddies. To not get killed.
FUCK YEAH STALLONE :rock: (I actually just watched Rocky 6, he's my fucking hero!)

As some of you may know, for the last 6-7 months I have cleaned up my act, lost a lot of weight, and started working out pretty hard! I'm a pretty big guy (about 6.2, 198lbs) but I am of course not nearly as strong as some of you guys here! But I don't give a shit, I just love working out and having fun with pushing myself to do things I didn't dream I could do! Maybe someday I'll be strong enough to hold my own among you guys!
Any of you guys use Creatine, if so, yay, nay or couldn't give a fuck?

Curious to see if it helps because its so piss cheap but I've got most of my results so far from just eating shedloads and not really supplementing at all.
Öwen;9874761 said:
Any of you guys use Creatine, if so, yay, nay or couldn't give a fuck?

Curious to see if it helps because its so piss cheap but I've got most of my results so far from just eating shedloads and not really supplementing at all.

I used it, didn't notice too much of a difference. I eventually stopped taking it because I had the WORST cramping issues, my calves would lock up so hard, that when I fell to the floor it would take two guys to straight my leg out. I was drinking 1.5 gallons of water a day too.
Creatine does work.
Studies have been done. It's safe. Most of the shit people say about it know nothing of what it actually does.

I back a basic powdered creatine from vitamin shoppe here in the US.
Creatine does work.
Studies have been done. It's safe. Most of the shit people say about it know nothing of what it actually does.

I back a basic powdered creatine from vitamin shoppe here in the US.


100% safe and works.

I used it in a non-standard way though.

Without the "loading" phase.

Just as a pump and strength enhancer, about 30 minutes before the workout with some grape juice to put some high quality fuel inside muscle cells.

It felt like if you'd push a nitro button in your car :)
Ohhh, supplement talk. I'll list what I've got. Not all necessarily lifting related stuff, some are more general health things

Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin B3
Zinc Picolinate (known as one of the most highly bioavailable forms of zinc)
Taurine (I take it before bed)
5-HTP (as a sleep aid)
Fish Oil

Should be mentioned that that the 5-HTP also has vitamin B6 and B3 in it

More workout related




And lastly, beta-alanine bought in bulk

The creatine has some extra goodies for even more endurance, while Xtend helps with recovery (reduces Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).
I don't respond well to creatine monohydrate, so for me, magnesium creatine chelate is a lot better, with none of the 'bloat' that monohydrate users experience.
The Pumpbol is crazy. We know how much creatine helps with endurance, the Pumpbol is like being able to have that same amount of added endurance on top.
I just keep pumping out more reps when I normally would have had to top, absolutely love it.
Best part is that it is stimulant free, so you don't have to feel like you're on crack.
I just take a multi, fish oil, and potassium(for cramping). I also take arginine for an extra hard bonar.