First song with vocals

i think the strings at the beginning might be too loud/overpowering. maybe add a bit of reverb or delay to them. guitars sound a little muddy, bass sounds alright. drums are kinda covered up when everything starts coming in though, cymbals sound pretty fake, the drums overall need some work... maybe with some sample replacement, especially on the kick and snare. this is pretty epic sounding though, kudos for that. i'm also detecting some slight breathing/pumping before the vocals, and then quite a bit when the vocals come in. it almost sounds like you have a tremolo effect going on the whole mix or something haha.
Ez Drummer DFH I Presume. Either get some drum replacement going or buy some better software, like Superior 2.0 (I like the Avatar kit) I agree the strings are too loud.
If youre not using Cabinet Impulses I'd recomend to start doing that, Search the forum for samples and instructions how to use them, theres also some really good ampsims out there (I personally prefer the releases of onqel and LePou)
If however this is the material you have to work with, I'd prolly parallell compress those guitars to lower the 120-250hz region so they wont take over the whole mix on the palm mutes. (I assume you have High/Lowpassed them)
And as always, experiment with all the settings, compare it with an professional mix (In the style of your song) and listen to how the different frequencies play together and try to mimic the level/balance of the instruments :)

Good luck mate and I hope you find this useful!
Ez Drummer DFH I Presume.

I don't know why, but drums replacement didn't work well on this particular song. But I'll give it another try.
If youre not using Cabinet Impulses
I'm actually using some, but not at 100% wet, the same as with the drums - I didn't like the result. I'll try "onqel and LePou".

And thanks for the other recommendations too.:kickass:
Strings are better, but guitars are bit too sawy, maybe presence too high (im starting mixing myself and cant really say problem without playing with it :) )