First SSD 3.0 full band mix!


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
I posted a little ditty a while ago of a few ideas I had using Slates 2.0 Black kit. I took that and reprogrammed the drums using his "Cracky metal kit" from 3.0. The mapping didn't change over perfectly so excuse some slap dash fills/cymbal hits, but it gives you a idea of how everything sounds together (including the cymbals).

The kit is made up of kick5, snare10 (totally new) and metal toms, I used all cymbals including the new Paiste Signature series and hi-hat "3", which is also a Paiste.

Didn't use one single external plugin for the drums here all done within the SSD 3.0 player, some comp/verb and EQ on the snare and comp'd the NRG room. Only minor adjustments. Didn't touch the kick or toms.

Snare has some NRG and everything else has Slates SSD room.

Ignore the fake sounding guitars and bass.

Hope you enjoy!

Updated link:

I dont digg it at all. I think the SLate drums are redicoulously overrated. Sry

I wish I could've said something different, but I agree. Single strokes blended with natural drums sound alright, but trigged. Do a fast 16th note roll and it sounds very programmed. Badly programmed even. :erk:
Gonna re-up a new demo tommorow, sounding much more natural too my ears *and Marcus'*

And there is no cowbell in there.....yet

You want more cowbell??
I'd just like to say that to me this Revalver tone (and others I've heard) does this style of distortion (like, the "sounding like an actual amp/cab" style of distortion ;)) better than anything I've heard from the AxeFX!
cant wait to hear the new version!! >.<

can you upload a mix with only the drums , please?

I think this was pretty good for a quick programming job.. the drums sound a tiny bit choked in the mix.. I would try to take off the compressor from the snare as it seems to have made it a bit spongy, and let the drums breathe a bit more.. cymbals are mixed really well.

I'd be curious to hear more. BTW here is the cracky metal kit solo: Cracky Metal Kit Wet.mp3

if you are curious about the ending snare fill, check it out on the videos, Glen Sobel is doing is stick twirling thingie...

also shred, what was this made loud with? I think it could be made a bit punchier.. have you tried GClip?

Hey Shred can you upload the stereo guitars, bass, and midi file? I want to play around with this... if its ok
Slate: PM'd and yeah I use a Gclip on the master with 3-4db master compression before it. If you have any advice on getting it punchier please do tell! :worship: Took the compression off the snare, does sound better with fresh ears.

Zeronaut: Sure, here is my newer mix with some guidence from Marcus :kickass::lol: along with the drums on their own. Excuse the fill that fucks up at the end, haven't sorted that yet, been concentrating on the mix.

I think the snare and cymbals sit much nicer now but other opinions matter just as much.
Mr Slate I own the 1.5 Package and i think the kicks works really well if you blend them with other samples but the snares and toms... They are way to processed
i think you should leave a little bit more for us to eq etc.. Thats just my honest opinion.

The problem isn't in the sound of the samples, but the fact that they're already processed as in a finished mix. What you don't get is the interaction between the different channels which make it sound....fake. I've been trying to make samples sound "live" for more than 15 years, and maybe that's why I hear it so well. IMO. If you guys like it, I'm perfectly OK with that. No need to change anything.