First SSD 3.0 full band mix!

The last drum mix with the louder room mics is pretty good, imo.... especially since it's pure samples.

BTW, what was the guitar? Revalver? Which amp/cab model?

The last drum mix with the louder room mics is pretty good, imo.... especially since it's pure samples.

BTW, what was the guitar? Revalver? Which amp/cab model?


Revalver 6505 with the GH IR "thisone" I think, was so long ago! I still don't dig the guitars on this :lol:
To be honest I'm not a fan of the snare in both the first clip Slate posted the one called process, and your clip Jaymz, both sound like they're squashed and kinda TOO roomy imo. For instance, I prefer the snare tone I got on these mixes:-

The snare tone still needs tweaking some as it needs a bit more crack and it's a bit quiet, but it sounds more open to me. But I guess this is completely personal preference.
To be honest I'm not a fan of the snare in both the first clip Slate posted the one called process, and your clip Jaymz, both sound like they're squashed and kinda TOO roomy imo. For instance, I prefer the snare tone I got on these mixes:-

The snare tone still needs tweaking some as it needs a bit more crack and it's a bit quiet, but it sounds more open to me. But I guess this is completely personal preference.

I just used the cracky metal kit preset and kept the snare off it. Which might not fit but its the kit I first tried. Haha I was told to make it more roomy now its too roomy? God damn! There is hardly any master bus compression and no compression on the drums whatsoever so its 100% Slate on that one im afraid.
we're entering a situation where people will give their opinions on personal preference. I just got in a little debate on the deftones drum sound, I had a guy here who said he hates the snare sound. I love the snare sound which is why I modeled it.

In the end, he wasn't going to convince me that the Deftones snare sucked, and I wasn't going to convince him that its brilliant. And this is beauty of music, its not black and white, hell its not even grey. Its whatever color you want it to be.
Well that's entirely true. I'm just not a fan of the big ambient "psh" that's on the ballad type clip that you posted, it sounds to my ears like the ambience is covering the tone of the drum. Could you post that same clip again (process.mp3) but with the ambient mic's lowered by say 4db? I love the rest of the drums, just not the snare.
Hey slate. I just wanted to let you know that I'm sold based on the demos on your site :lol: its obviously of higher quality than the toontrack stuff, at least for my preferences. gonna place an order this week. :)
Woahh first of all...great riffing, dude!!! And you recorded an awesome guitar sound. I´m not a friend of this snare sound and some cymbals, but that is the only thing I want to criticice. Nevertheless good job under the line!