first sunburn ever.

my two new best friends

ummmm !!!
yea so far the board is working. EERIE.

anyway, i have olive skin and like, black & italian ancestors so even tho i am white i just never burn i guess i expected it'd never happen. i was wrong! terribly wrong.

your assumptions remind me of the time my (black) roommate ventured into the projects near our house to attempt to buy drugs under the assumption that his skin color would protect him from getting jacked.

well, thanks for aligning me with a complete retard. i don't think i'm *that* stupid.

p.s. i live 1 block from the projects.
no no this roommate isn't a retard! just naive!

he doesn't know anything about computers, but he applied for a job at a tech company that handles some sort of internet sales stuff, and they were talking about how his job would be to "sell" customers on their product, and he stopped the guy and said, "Wait, they'd buy this stuff 'over the interweb'?"

the guy's like "uhhh...yeah..."

and bill's all suspicious like, "Isn't that kind of...dangerous?"

i heard about this from someone who heard about this from someone ELSE who worked there, meaning the story had been passed around through the entire company. needless to say, he didn't get the job.
he used the word 'interweb'? my god.

anyway, i'm not naive! i am just skin-tone-challenged.

i do lack common sense but that's another story.
okay, back to my sunburn:
everyone at work keeps making fun of me. plus they forget and grab my arm or touch my back. NOT NICE. also, everyone keeps asking me why i am wearing pants and not a skirt, like i want MORE SUN on my legs today. don't think so.

AND, why am i getting MORE red today?
the best is when someone has a sunburn and you flip the bird and press it into their skin, and the impression stays there in white for quite some time afterward!

p.s. preppy show this thread to your coworkers.