First thing ever Recorded. Let me have it!

he DID insist we be harsh and "let him have it", haha. i'm helping as best i can, while being unable to resist some very much needed jeers. gareth was a little rough but he was certainly identifying the root of the problem...haha. you can say it's all opinions and everyone has to start somewhere, but... c'mon. ya gotta draw the line. he ASKED to be ripped on so he knows what to fix, if we lied and told him that song was awesome then he'd go on thinking so and would continue with it, thus slowing progress. he seems to be handling it well enough, so verbally assaulting the kid is only gonna steer him in the right direction...haha.
I also think it's a travesty that your "studio" is charging bands for the type of quality that is on your myspace page (which is an eyesore and a half btw)

Learn what you are doing, get something halfway decent sounding, then you can start trying to make money off it
Jeeeez.. why is everyone hating on this guy? hes new.. he only asked for help, not to griefed because certain style of music he chose to record. Last time i checked there wasn't a rule book? and i'm pretty sure most of you's weren't pro's when you started??

Dude, i'm not greatest mixer or anything, but if you need help.. send me a PM, and i'll send you my msn. we can both be n00bs at the samething!

yeah i agree give this kid a break. If he was an ass whole i could understand the bombing. Thats not the case here. While i may not agree with his musical preference, hes here do the same we are. Improve our ability's.
I also think it's a travesty that your "studio" is charging bands for the type of quality that is on your myspace page (which is an eyesore and a half btw)

Learn what you are doing, get something halfway decent sounding, then you can start trying to make money off it

Sadly, this isn't an isolated incident around these parts.
he DID insist we be harsh and "let him have it", haha. i'm helping as best i can, while being unable to resist some very much needed jeers. gareth was a little rough but he was certainly identifying the root of the problem...haha. you can say it's all opinions and everyone has to start somewhere, but... c'mon. ya gotta draw the line. he ASKED to be ripped on so he knows what to fix, if we lied and told him that song was awesome then he'd go on thinking so and would continue with it, thus slowing progress. he seems to be handling it well enough, so verbally assaulting the kid is only gonna steer him in the right direction...haha.


What I meant was to be harsh on my Producing skills. But I'm not above taking critism for things like the singing. That's me. It's not the best. I'm trying to fix it. There are some parts in the singing that make me cringe. Like I said...I'm doing the best I can to fix them. But there is a difference between Critisizing someone and Being a dick. We know where that line was crossed, but who gives a shit...It's the internet. I personally have found Garreth extremely funny and useful in the past. I've been stalking this site since I was 16....Here we are 2 years later and a dude I've been laughing at and listening to rips on me hard. I'm not gonna lie. That pisses me off, but who cares. It's the internet.
You're lucky you found this place, dude. Although it can be a harsh DOES have SOOOOO much good info. to learn from! Just start by looking at the stickies, and implementing all the tips and tricks you find here. Try your hardest to use those tricks and make your stuff sound the way you want it. THEEEN if you hit a major road block, ask for advice here. At least, that's how I approach it. It's not cool to just post something and be like, "tell me what to do to make this sound amazing." without using the search button on what you want to sound better.

If you're having problems with vox compression, search the forum for tips and tricks about it...same goes for drums, guitars, bass, synth, ect...

I'm a firm believer of "The harder you work on it, the better it'll sound."
I also think it's a travesty that your "studio" is charging bands for the type of quality that is on your myspace page (which is an eyesore and a half btw)

Learn what you are doing, get something halfway decent sounding, then you can start trying to make money off it

I have litterally said twice that I am charging people gas money. I'm 18. I live at home. I dont have my own place. My "studio" is a studio on wheels. I am litterally going to local bands and recording them at their practice place. Im not going to drive to their house record and then pay for my gas. My stuff isnt the best. But it's also, as I've said before, not a laptop in the middle of the room, running audacity, recording everbody at the same time.
You're lucky you found this place, dude. Although it can be a harsh DOES have SOOOOO much good info. to learn from! Just start by looking at the stickies, and implementing all the tips and tricks you find here. Try your hardest to use those tricks and make your stuff sound the way you want it. THEEEN if you hit a major road block, ask for advice here. At least, that's how I approach it. It's not cool to just post something and be like, "tell me what to do to make this sound amazing." without using the search button on what you want to sound better.

If you're having problems with vox compression, search the forum for tips and tricks about it...same goes for drums, guitars, bass, synth, ect...

I'm a firm believer of "The harder you work on it, the better it'll sound."

I completely agree. I posted the mix in the rate my mix part of this forum. A place where people are supposed to give you advice as to how to improve a mix, or to tell you how much of a badass your are. That's all I've wanted....not the "be told Im a badass part"....just the suggestions. I havent asked anyone.....How this....How that. I've just accepted critism.
Jeeeez.. why is everyone hating on this guy? hes new.. he only asked for help, not to griefed because certain style of music he chose to record. Last time i checked there wasn't a rule book? and i'm pretty sure most of you's weren't pro's when you started??

Dude, i'm not greatest mixer or anything, but if you need help.. send me a PM, and i'll send you my msn. we can both be n00bs at the samething!

will do.
all I can say is do not use auto tune. It has it's place and that is to edit those slight off notes. If the singer doesn't sing decent naturally than replace them with someone who can sing.

No use trying to polish turds that are already down the toilet.

In the end bands should be relying on their live show to impress people not their cd's that really are edited to fuck to make them sound decent.If a singer sounds like dogs balls live its not gonna be a good show for the crowd who paid to listen to the shit.
HaHaHaHaHa. I posted the song on the bands myspace. Im not done with it yet so i put......DEMO real big at the end of it. It just got us a sponsor with Half Dead Clothing. LMFAO.
They really need to start a "Ultimatecrabcore" board with a Joey Sturgis sub-forum.

It's like the NAACP going on the Aryan Nation message board for legal advice.

As geigh as it is though, Zak doesn't really deserve the "beatdown". FWIW I thought the newer song/sample sounded much better from a production standpoint than the first.
I personally have found Garreth extremely funny and useful in the past. I've been stalking this site since I was 16....Here we are 2 years later and a dude I've been laughing at and listening to rips on me hard. I'm not gonna lie. That pisses me off, but who cares. It's the internet.

No-ones out of the firing line when it comes to who I direct my vitriol at, that should be obvious enough. And anyway, it's nothing against your character. You seem like a nice enough guy to me, I just think the type of music you play is despicable. I'd say that to anyone, friend or otherwise.

HaHaHaHaHa. I posted the song on the bands myspace. Im not done with it yet so i put......DEMO real big at the end of it. It just got us a sponsor with Half Dead Clothing. LMFAO.

This is a fucking crack-up too.
Do you see my point man? It seems like getting endorsed by clothing companies and getting your dick sucked by scene girls is your bands main objective. It's atypical of the genre you guys contribute to.
I think most of us guys here believe in things such as artistic integrity, poetry, musicianship, songwriting and passion. Or if most of the guys on this forum don't I at least do, so don't post crabcore shit on the forum and expect the guy known to have a big mouth not to verbally lay into you.

Your production's not great but it's 10x better sounding than my first recordings. You've shown enough to show that you've got it in you to make really fucking good recordings if you stick at it and stop making disgusting music. Read the stickies, and go through joey's topic posting history as well looking for mixing advice. yeah I know, there's joey's name again, sorry, but he's posted a lot of mixing advice that I've incorporated into my general workflow when mixing. Big 200hz boosts on the snare, certain compressor settings, vocal production techniques, etc. Lots to be learnt from his posting history.
Thanks man.....I really do appreciate you being cool about all this. I only got kinda pissy cuz I spent forever mixing it. And after listening to it for like.....EVER!!! I thought it was honestly, REALLY GOOD. This forum brings me back down to earth though. I'll keep improving.
Thanks man.....I really do appreciate you being cool about all this. I only got kinda pissy cuz I spent forever mixing it. And after listening to it for like.....EVER!!! I thought it was honestly, REALLY GOOD. This forum brings me back down to earth though. I'll keep improving.

i was just a total dick to you and I'm already forgiven? thick skinned, good on you bro. hah.

and yeah it's obviously not sounding pro or anything man, but if this is the first thing you've ever recorded then fuck, my stuff sounded no-where near as clear or nice as this until after like... god knows, quite a long time. 8, 9, maybe 10 months.