First thing ever Recorded. Let me have it!

i was just a total dick to you and I'm already forgiven? thick skinned, good on you bro. hah.

and yeah it's obviously not sounding pro or anything man, but if this is the first thing you've ever recorded then fuck, my stuff sounded no-where near as clear or nice as this until after like... god knows, quite a long time. 8, 9, maybe 10 months.

yeah....its the internet man....Everyones shitty.

The only reason I got everything to sound the way it does now is from reading and reading and reading. And very occasionally watching. I tried to know everything BEFORE I did it. But it became obvious that practice makes perfect.
There you go then, I dived right in and just tried to figure it out as I went.
I could quite happily go the rest of my life without hearing either of those tracks again.

Before you start working on your mixing more, could you please work on writing music that isn't derivative, disgusting music for 13 year old scene kids with expensive haircuts?
I have heard every riff in that second track at least 20 times before, and I'm not fucking joking. I've probably played some of them whilst dicking about at 5am back when I started out with a strat copy and a 10 watt practice amp way back when.
And the vocals sound like every band Joey's ever recorded all getting simultaneously anally raped by a fucking rhinoceros. What a fucking cacophony.
I bet you all fucking jog in place on stage, too.

Man, if you've ever wondered why AE's laugh at musicians a lot, all you have to do is take a look at yourself and your band. You sum up everything that is wrong with music today, well done, well done indeed.

Holy shit you crack me up! You say what i wanna say everytime, but since i dont have the credibility I just wait for you to say it..

that just made my day,

Shane was because of the synthy intro track. When you don't really listen to that type of music, it all becomes a lump of style of music. When you do listen to bands like that, you'll start to depict the subtle, or not so subtle differences in the bands...writing/arranging/instrument choices. If any of what I just said made sense...haha
This topic turned to be quite...cute actually :lol:
Lol the internets.

Yeah, I try to be reasonable as everyone has said everything allready. You seem to be patienced kid. Quite a many would had lost their nerves at this moment, but not you. Kudos.
Just keep doing your thing, but start from the simple things like just dual tracked guitars, add some bass and drums. Nothing else. When that sounds good then add some vocs and other stuff. And read this forum and advices/books.

And that sounded a bit like Attack attack. :D
I think that this is really good considering that its the first thing hes EVER recorded. It isnt going to win any awards any time soon and im not a fan of the music but everything could be done a hell of a lot worse.
Again thanks guys. I've messed with them a bit....nothing crazy. Volume down on Vox, Ran plugins on vox to a bus instead of just putting them on the track. Im sure I didn't do that stuff right either, but it does sound better. Thanks for the advice.
well, kudos to you for not throwing a fit at everybody ripping on you :headbang:

eh, music's not my style, but the recording that's on myspace now is pretty damn good for a first recording.

I'll let people that now their shit about recording direct you on that, cuz I just started out 5 months ago, but being a graphic designer, may I adress why you are offering to design promo cards when your cards look like



no, just.. please no. stick to recording, you're better at that. :lol: looked into my page. I mainly did that because people around here do the same thing. But theirs is TERRIBLE!!! I'm do they sell anything terrible. Trust me when I say that my stuff is Picasso compared to them. HaHaHa. Plus whats the matter with my card? HAHAHAHAHA!!! If you handed that out, people would never forget you EVER!!! looked into my page. I mainly did that because people around here do the same thing. But theirs is TERRIBLE!!! I'm do they sell anything terrible. Trust me when I say that my stuff is Picasso compared to them. HaHaHa. Plus whats the matter with my card? HAHAHAHAHA!!! If you handed that out, people would never forget you EVER!!!

if you handed me that card and offered to design anything for me, I'd slam my head against the wall while drinking pure ethanol to forget the card as quickly as possible.
there is nothing done right on your card, the colors are a mess, there is no structure and no effort. the pictures are pixel-y and the whole thing is just a big pile of dookie.
but this is getting too much off topic, PM me if you want real advice on designing. :err:
Dude I like your screamed vox.

Dude I most definitely DON'T like your clean vox with autotune that possibly makes them even worse :lol:

Anyway, I'd also say just go ahead and read every thread of any interest at Production Tips... Being written 2 years ago doesn't make it void. This place is filled with information worth a fortune, for free.