First time listener


New Metal Member
Wow. How did these guys slip past me? In my CD and vinyl collection of over 1200 albums, I have over 500 that might be classified as progressive rock...and the fact that Power of Omens has yet to join the ranks of my other favorite artists is somewhat disturbing. As a fellow progressive rock musician and writer it is hard to see such unbelievable talent not have the exposure they well deserve. I hope the internet and boards like this one will allow them to grow and gain a big enough following that they will one day be included in every progressive rock fan's collection.

I am new to this board, but I am excited about becoming part of something so fresh....these guys have a unique sound and can flat out play!
Esucarys said:
Wow. How did these guys slip past me? In my CD and vinyl collection of over 1200 albums, I have over 500 that might be classified as progressive rock...and the fact that Power of Omens has yet to join the ranks of my other favorite artists is somewhat disturbing. As a fellow progressive rock musician and writer it is hard to see such unbelievable talent not have the exposure they well deserve. I hope the internet and boards like this one will allow them to grow and gain a big enough following that they will one day be included in every progressive rock fan's collection.

I am new to this board, but I am excited about becoming part of something so fresh....these guys have a unique sound and can flat out play!

Heya Steve!!!

Welcome to the board!!!
It was great talking to you on Friday... I'm really looking forward to all the possibilities ahead.
Glad you made it over. :) and thanks so much for the very cool words. Feel free to drop on in any time you'd like!!

Thanks Dave! To be honest, I'm glad that I listened to the music and loved it as much as I did before our talk. I think we always try to give things the benefit of the doubt when we've already have met someone and like them....and I was given the opportunity to listen unbiasly and became a fan before I found out what a great person you are. The fact that your passion and honest commitment to your music as opposed to the almighty dollar is so sincere is simply a plus. I am on a crusade now to share your music with my other prog buddies and I hope that they will hear the same incredible things I did.
I discovered PofO when this dude IMed me out of the blue about 5 1/2 years ago..turns out it was Dave..and the rest is history, hehe! :)