Five Former Members Of In Flames Unite In The Halo Effect

Some pretty great bands/projects haven't got past one or two albums. What an utterly stupid way to look at things.

Imagine everyone has this asinine point of view - how would new bands ever get started, if nobody was willing to listen to them?
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Nah, he's just being a dick. This is his way of saying "you haven't done shit and you aren't worth my time". It's fucking pathetic, honestly. As if Anders is some kind of musical big shot whose listening time is highly sought after. Give me a break you hipster hamster helmet. There are bands creating music on independent labels with £1000 budget that sounds more authentic and interesting than the crap you and Bjorn have been spewing out since SOAPF.
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Give me a break you hipster hamster helmet.


The question is, why can't he just be diplomatic and say something like "yeah, they have a cool album, good luck to them!"

Obviously everyone here already said that but it seems with this interview that he sounds more and more contemptuous about that subject.
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And also very immature. You can tell by his lyrics over the past ten years. I used to think he was trying to appeal to the youth, but now I think his brain has either regressed or never got past 15 years old in maturity. His answers about THE are always hysterical in how petty and petulant they are. Meanwhile, THE guys are acting like adults and being cool about the situation.
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If we compare him to Bjorn... Bjorn has not, also, listened to the band but he's being polite about it.

It makes me wonder if he really made a listening but he's saying that he did not because of Anders.

"I didn't really think too much about it, to be honest. These are extremely good musicians, all of 'em, and they all have been part of IN FLAMES as members — as touring members or as recording members — and they, for different reasons, chose not to tour, basically, or be part of this anymore. And if they found a way back to music, they are really good. The music I haven't really heard that much, but I know what they're all capable of. So this is obviously not gonna be bad in any way. And I haven't really thought about it in any other way."

Björn continued: "I think it's a great opportunity, maybe sort of a second chance for these guys, to do it in a way that fits their life now. And timing-wise, they get to do it in a pace that they wanna do it. So I think it's only positive, obviously. And I think the world's probably a better place with more music in it. And these guys know what they're doing."
Ciko would be proud :cool: giving the lad a break for obvious reasons, so I'm expecting you to step up in his absence.
What's even funnier is that he's told they sound like DT, and he likes DT. But still won't listen to THE... Because of the 5 album rule I guess :rofl:
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You guys misunderstand. Musical legend Anders Friden won't pay attention to your band until you're five albums in, but us peasants are allowed to listen to pass on comments to the exalted one.
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So he can talk to people about the album, and he can come up with these creative answers, but he can't listen to one single song. Maybe teaser?

Do you have to release at least five teasers before he can check that out?

He always sounded as a dick, but this is next level.
I used to think he was trying to appeal to the youth, but now I think his brain has either regressed or never got past 15 years old in maturity.

His look hasn't gotten past 15 years old either. :p

Seriously though, what an idiot. He just likes to throw shade whenever he can. He could just say "no comment" at this point and look like less of an asshole. Insinuating that a band isn't worth his time until they've had at least 5 albums is some Ronnie Radke levels of jackassery. All hail the Hardman, King of the Metalverse.

The guy is a fucking douche bag.
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