Five most moving Katatonia songs

Mantraschism said:
List the five Katatonia songs that you find to be most moving, like songs that have made you cry.

Right Into The Bliss (this song has made me cry...)
A Premonition (...and so has this one)

Burn the Remembrance. I can relate to this tune totally.

Not sure of four others. Will have to think.
Stalemate - DO (Because of the extremly depressed vocals.)

Quiet world - SYD (SO beautiful...)

This punishment - TD (Just really, really depressive)

Teargas - LFDGD (There's something about when Jonas sings "the deadened sight" that really gets to me)

One year from now - VE (Some sort of hopeless hope in the lyrics. A unique song)
Tonights Music and A Premonition are definitely two that get me every time. Both are also brilliant compositions
1. Cold Ways
2. I Break
3. I am Nothing
4. The Future of Speech
5. A Premonition

Lots of more, but these are the ones that are really personal and very occasionally put a tear in my eyes.
"This Punishment" (there's nothing more desperate than to feel like that)
"Nowhere" (gives me the kick)
"Help Me Disappear" (have cried many times while listening to it, Jonas' voice here takes "ruthlessly" the grip)
"Last Resort" (as it's said already...)
"Tonight's Music"
Right Into the Bliss - Makes my eyes water without even listening to it, just thinking about it or seeing the name (this is really unusual for me, but it's happening even as I'm typing this)
Day - Amazingly simple yet depressing song
I Am Nothing - Fucking moving lyrics, and the music helps too
The Future of Speech - "A brand new day, it can't get worse; hear myself say it can't get worse".. I identify with this one sometimes too
Deadhouse - I identify with this song at times

You could go on forever with this band, if there's one thing Katatonia are the masters of, it's making the most moving songs while maintaining pretty simple structures and music. We can thank Jonas' emotive lyrics and soul-piercing vocals as well as Blakkheim's lead guitar style for a lot of this :)
Here they are, in no specific order. I can personally relate with so much Katatonia that it was really hard for me to make a list. It would probably change if I thought about it any longer and I have thought about it for a few already.

1. This punishment- simply because I was always a victim in my mind
2. No Good Can Come Of This- The road to happiness I never knew- Jesus I can relate to that. I used to listen to that song on the way to Detroit to get heroin everyday. I knew I was screwing my life, my ways of playing with death.
3. Omerta- This is my after addiction song, kind of an apology of sorts to the ones that I love who still want nothing to do with me. Their dreams meant nothing to me.
4. Day- I used to listen to that song over and over getting drunk and crying about drunken shit.
5.Distrust-I always felt like I shouldnt exist because I was such a fuckup and I wanted everyone to forgive me and to forget that I was ever a part of their lives.
6. Strained.-I almost forgot this one, how could I? That song was a big part of my wanting to transition from what I was to what I am. The hope in my head and in that song was the same. This time it has to come to an end. I wanted to TRY to live. The end of addiction being the beginning of my life. I still have a hard time listening to that song because I remember too much about how it was.

In many of the moments above all I had was Katatonia, it deadened my mind and somehow kept me alive through some rotten ass days. And if you find this all to be too in depth and cheesy and that I have read way too much into Katatonia just let me say that this is my story, my experience, and I am sorry for you if music is not as profoundly important to you as it is to me.
In no particular order:

I break
Sweet nurse (I am a hypochondric and this song is just... therapy for me)
Had to leave
In no particular order:

I Am Nothing
Tonight's Music
The Future of Speech
Burn the Rememberance

Those songs more than any of their others have hit very close to home for me.