LEAST favourite Katatonia songs

i usually skip:

Nightmares By The Sea
Clean Today
Passing Bird
Don't Tell A Soul
Surprising to see so many people saying One Year From Now, i like that song. Songs i would generally skip would be:
Nightmeares By The Sea
Clean Today
Passing Bird
We Must Bury You - I used to love this song, but then i got sick of it.
yeah passing bird is a little forgettable, haha a mate of mine put on "we must bury you" in his workshop and all his co-workers stared at him and said "what the fuck is the matter with you?" after hearing the first few lyrics :lol:
Funeral wedding

this is one of the most brilliant songs ever written by anyone

i don't know how the fuck it's even possible to have the kind of songwriting skills that would allow one to write a song like that, I BOW DOWN IN REVERENT AWE
Hobo said:
hold on to your hats... here goes.
i seriously don think VE has any realy good song. the refrain of "will i arrive" i realy awesome, but the rest of the album...
not that it is bad, not by any means, but if that album had been the first and only one i heard from a band i probably wouldnt check them out any further.

hm... but i did! and i still love Viva Emptiness!
I don't get why you would make a thread like this. Unless the band wanted to know( for improving, in this case Katatonia does not need to improve ) what their weakest album or song is and they make the thread this is pointless, especially seeing how it's Katatonia ;)
Hell, there's 10 threads of every subject, I simply didn't know there was already a similar thread, I wouldn't have made this one.

I was just curious about everyone, allright, cos there's always some surprises in it.
What I usually skip, well, honestly? -

the entire Dance of December Souls album
Sounds of Decay EP
Everything on Brave Murder Day after Brave
For Funerals To Come
In Death A Song
I Transpire
One Year From Now

But I like Katatonia enough to know what I don't like.

My favorite song ever is still "Mulder and Scully"


N.P. Naked Eyes - Always Something There To Remind Me