damn, what am i happy that i didn't pre-order FST. i just went to the right store on the day of release and walked out of the store with FST in my hands. no better feeling than that
I would have talked more about FST if I actually had my copy. Its kind of hard to buy it in a shop the day it comes out where I live.
I couldnt wait to listen to it so I downloaded your album for free, since I got the Python exclusive online earche limited turbo hyper ultra mega edition I think that its ok.
The album is great, Matt you have really improved on your voice, that was one of the most surprising things for me. It is quite YOU if you know what I mean, this is your best effort as a singer. The song structure is more suited to what I like, I like complex song structures like in IN but I also like catchy riffs in between and I think this album is a great example of that, a mix between the both, the catchiness (if that even exists) of ETG and the complexity of IN.
The intro to the album just sets the tone for what you have grown into, mixing that high speed thrash with melody which is what I like best about this genre.
Im not that good a reviewer but thats what I think about this album in a nutshell.
In the new (and incredibly lame) Metallica song, "The View," with Lou Reed, Hetfield repeatedly yells "I AM THE TABLE!!!" If you haven't heard the song, you're better off for it....

Oh god that song was bad. I am the table is a great inside joke now though. :lol:

On topic, my album will be in the mailbox today. I can feeeeeeeel it.
So did anyone here go to the show at The Garage?

Yes. I have one thing negative to say (not including the cunt that targeted me all fucking night or the prick on the train home afterwards)

Too many support bands. Or rather, too much time given to the support bands taking it away from Evile. Hope it isn't like that for the rest of the tour.

Also, while this is just an observation and not by any means a criticism, it must be twenty-something times I've seen this band now but I think that's the first gig I've seen where they didn't play Enter The Grave.
.... my album will be in the mailbox today. I can feeeeeeeel it.

My copy still hasn't been delivered but the good news is that my "Unto The Locust" by Machine Head "Fan" Pack arrived yesterday \m/

...Too many support bands. Or rather, too much time given to the support bands taking it away from Evile. Hope it isn't like that for the rest of the tour.....

How long did Evile actually play for? must be twenty-something times I've seen this band now but I think that's the first gig I've seen where they didn't play Enter The Grave.

Having never seen Evile before (and rather looking forward to seeing them next month in Glasgow), what was the actual set list?

I don't think more than an hour and 15 minutes max. It's alright but when you consider they didn't start til almost half 9 and we were being asked to leave well before eleven, in my opinion it's time to cut the supprt bands set time or maybe just have 2 instead of 3. It was metal hammer thing though so maybe that's why.

Plus I was already majorly pissed off cos of the aforementioned cunt
I don't think more than an hour and 15 minutes max. It's alright but when you consider they didn't start til almost half 9 and we were being asked to leave well before eleven, in my opinion it's time to cut the supprt bands set time or maybe just have 2 instead of 3...

Fair point about the support bands.

.... It was metal hammer thing though so maybe that's why.....

Again, a fair point. I don't actually know whose supporting them (and to be honest, I'm not that that bothered) cos I am just going to see Evile! \m/
I don't think more than an hour and 15 minutes max. It's alright but when you consider they didn't start til almost half 9 and we were being asked to leave well before eleven, in my opinion it's time to cut the supprt bands set time or maybe just have 2 instead of 3. It was metal hammer thing though so maybe that's why.

Plus I was already majorly pissed off cos of the aforementioned cunt

Thats why I didn't go. I had to be up in the morning.
1 is good and 2 can be ok but 3 is too many. Municiple Waste did it too.
After seeing the setlist, what surprises me most (beside the fact that its pretty short) is that there is only one song from IN and 4 from ETG...
I have since found the set list from all the bands last night - I'll try and post it here once I've worked out how to add Spoiler tags

For those who don't like spoiler's the link to the set lists is here:


There was another band on before that too, but I don't remember what they were called. Lots of energizer bunny kids there, which was strange considering the venue rules....good they're allowed to go though. Makes me jealous of what I missed as a kid.

It was 2 1/2 hours travelling. Mind you, I've been all over the country to see them and I once flew a thousand miles for an Evile gig in Milan.

I may go to the one in Reading.
Another place to look up detoured is
Just punch in Evile

I agree that 3 support bands is way too many. By the time the main act comes on your damn tired and want to go home!

Gah, I want my album already! Impatient would be an understatement...
I never thought i'd say this, but this is by far the best Evile album. They took all the amazing things about ETG and IN and combined them to make one kick ass album. I'm loving every track.
At long fucking last, I HAVE MY ALBUM. :D

I listened to the Cult single, which was fucking phenominal. The acoustic version of In Memoriam was really really well done. The big harmony part was beautiful.

Anyways, onto the actual album.

I honestly didn't think I'd say this, but they outdid Infected Nations. Nations was as close to damn perfect as any album I've ever heard, and Five Serpent's Teeth betters it in almost every conceivable way. Listened to it twice over and the stand out tracks for me are the title track, In Dreams of Terror, Origin of Oblivion, In Memoriam and Descent into Madness.

Evile took the complexity and progressiveness of Infected Nations and mixed them with the catchiness and ferocity of Enter the Grave and put out the best album I've heard since.... Wel,, Infected Nations. :lol: I fucking love this band and can't wait to see the new stuff when they eventually hit the US again.

I'm going to have the re listen to In Dreams of Terror, hasn't done much for me on my previous listens.

I don't have a record player so i can't listen to the In Memoriam acoustic thingy :/