FiveFish Studio's DIY Preamp kits?!

I've got the SC1 mk2, it's great. I recently produced an EP for some friends of mine, where all the tones on I miked up with a single SM57 into the SC1 mk2:

Check out the track "Suicide Doors" to get a good feel for how the tone sounded with full chords as well as chugging. Keeley Modded Ibanez TS808 + 5150 + Mesa OS + SM57 + SC1 mk2 into RME FireFace 800. Very little post EQ. This preamp has a ton of headroom, which I needed, as this EP required a very loud sound compared to most, to compensate for the guitarist's light picking attack by creating some serious "thud."
Dude awesome, that was just what I needed to hear, thanks for the heads up!!!

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