flaming eachother's taste


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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why does that happen so often on this board? in almost every thread i read, people are trying to argue on behalf of their taste...why their favorite album is a better choice than everyone else's...it seems like we spend most of the time arguing about opinions, instead of enjoying and respecting others' opinions...its, i dunno...macho, egotistical, pointless.

plus, where does it get us? at the end of the thread, the "winner" is whoever gets the last word in concerning a debate over a purely subjective opinion...no one wins, the argument was nothing to begin with.

how about instead of saying..."no, fuck that, you obviously don't know shit about music...still life is so fucking superior to GR, bla bla bla bla," one could say, "cool, well here is what i really dig about Still Life ___________."

read through some of the threads, and think about how ridiculous some of the posts are. why doesn't mike post here anymore...its because a lot of the shit on here is so immature.
I don't think it really matters. I am sure people will get touchy over Opeth, because thats the point of this board, its about them. But if someone tells me they think CoF is a stupid band and I am stupid for listening to them, great. I don't think any bands I listen to are better than anyone, just I enjoy them more than bands I don't listen to, for obvious reasons!

Its just human nature to defend yourself, but yes, it is pointless.
But I think we can all agree on liking Opeth, and that has to be the most important thing on this forum!
vampyrouss said:
I don't think it really matters. I am sure people will get touchy over Opeth, because thats the point of this board, its about them. But if someone tells me they think CoF is a stupid band and I am stupid for listening to them, great. I don't think any bands I listen to are better than anyone, just I enjoy them more than bands I don't listen to, for obvious reasons!

Its just human nature to defend yourself, but yes, it is pointless.
But I think we can all agree on liking Opeth, and that has to be the most important thing on this forum!

i agree...in the end it doesn't really matter...but, for the sake of having meaningfull conversation, the flaming gets us nowhere...except for knowing who can come up with the wittiest comebacks.

and yes, it is in human nature to defend ourselves...but, taste isn't something we should have to defend. feeling like you have to make personal attacks on others because they don't agree with your opinion concerning "favorites" is a sign of insecurity/immaturity. there is a difference between this and defending your voice in an argument over whether or not mike used a strat to record a specific solo.
Indeed, opinions and facts are completely different!
I must say that apart from a couple idiots who think musical tastes are fact this forum is actually really good! And they only post to attack peoples opinions, so they usually save it for when they have had a bad day of being bullied in the real world or something. "bah, sellouts, if you like them you are gay" or something similar... :erk:
Music is as objective as it is subjective.


^most.meaningful post.evAr
Mikes too much of rockstar to post on here anyomore...haha...I'm sure he'll be back :cool:
You can debate characteristics of music by drawing comparisons to other albums etc. I recall having to explain in the past why the production on Deliverance is more sterile than Ghost Reveries.

Arguing actual prefferences is pointless and juvenile. The furthest we can go is to list WHY, in an objective fashion, we dislike a certain album in contrast to a different album.

Instead of 'your opinions sucks', it can be 'I dislike album #1 because...'.
Moonlapse said:
You can debate characteristics of music by drawing comparisons to other albums etc. I recall having to explain in the past why the production on Deliverance is more sterile than Ghost Reveries.

Arguing actual prefferences is pointless and juvenile. The furthest we can go is to list WHY, in an objective fashion, we dislike a certain album in contrast to a different album.

Instead of 'your opinions sucks', it can be 'I dislike album #1 because...'.

your opinion sucks!

J/K , I couldn't agree more with you.
Moonlapse said:
You can debate characteristics of music by drawing comparisons to other albums etc. I recall having to explain in the past why the production on Deliverance is more sterile than Ghost Reveries.

Arguing actual prefferences is pointless and juvenile. The furthest we can go is to list WHY, in an objective fashion, we dislike a certain album in contrast to a different album.

Instead of 'your opinions sucks', it can be 'I dislike album #1 because...'.

exactly...it seems as though there are a lot of egos out there who can't grasp this concept. i'm not pointing fingers, but if you need others to agree with your own opinion of music, you are basically questioning yourself.

when factors like, "this isn't troo, or this isn't 'real' metal, or you're a fucking noob, you don't know shit," are brought into play, you are not basing your opinion on the music itself...those are cultural/genre differences. well, i'm getting off track now...but, it sucks when music is judged like that as well.
I think it's hilarious when people get upset about other people not liking their favorite band or making fun of them. Who gives a fuck? If you like them then listen to them. Don't start crying and complaining and taking things personally on a fucking internet forum. Get a life.
Jon Snow said:
I think it's hilarious when people get upset about other people not liking their favorite band or making fun of them. Who gives a fuck? If you like them then listen to them. Don't start crying and complaining and taking things personally on a fucking internet forum. Get a life.
But we also don't want people who pick on people for doing that, because they get annoying too. Not saying you, because you're not directly pointing this towards someone, but you get my point. :)
well too bad, heres an idea - dont be such a pussy, if there werent debate about certain topics then there wouldnt be anything left to discuss the thread would just entail "well this album rules...indeed...yes quite right...i agree lolz", shit a bit of insult slinging and criticism is the basis of a forum, it makes things interesting and funny to read, if you cant stand the heat get out of the forum bitch.
OpethNZ said:
well too bad, heres an idea - dont be such a pussy, if there werent debate about certain topics then there wouldnt be anything left to discuss the thread would just entail "well this album rules...indeed...yes quite right...i agree lolz", shit a bit of insult slinging and criticism is the basis of a forum, it makes things interesting and funny to read, if you cant stand the heat get out of the forum bitch.
Well to a certain degree you are right. People should stop crying because their feelings were hurt. Appropriate or not, flaming is something that everyone should be able to at least tolerate.