flaming eachother's taste

Tubbs Mcgee said:
But we also don't want people who pick on people for doing that, because they get annoying too. Not saying you, because you're not directly pointing this towards someone, but you get my point. :)

Roger that. I'm not condoning flaming I just think the best policy is to ignore it or to go with the flow. Getting defensive is lame.
OpethNZ said:
well too bad, heres an idea - dont be such a pussy, if there werent debate about certain topics then there wouldnt be anything left to discuss the thread would just entail "well this album rules...indeed...yes quite right...i agree lolz", shit a bit of insult slinging and criticism is the basis of a forum, it makes things interesting and funny to read, if you cant stand the heat get out of the forum bitch.

the issue isn't really about feelings being hurt. you're right, if your sense of well being is affected by someone calling you a dipshit on an internet forum, you need to get a life. but, what do you learn by calling someone a dipshit because he doesn't agree with you? threads could be more than "well this album rules...indeed...yes quite right...i agree lolz." it could be, "well this album rules, and here is why i think so....yah, i do like that, but this really stands out for me....ah, cool...but, etc.." that is much more constructive than, "this album is the best, it is far superior to any other album in the catologue. if you don't agree, you're an idiot. end of thread........oh fuck that, you fucking oldschooler, its time to step into the new realm....etc."

there is way to much conversation like the latter. that kind of shit is pointless.

and, i'm pretty sure that the basis of an internet forum is the subject being discussed...not how you go about proving yourself right through criticism and insult slinging.
The Akercocke forum is really good imo - it's gots a lot less of kissy-arsey people. TBH the only forum i don't like that much is the Ultimate Guitar forum because the moderators are pure wankstains who won't allow you to state an opinion that opposes theirs.
This forum is perfectly fine in my oppinion - i always expect there to be a certain degree of 'flaming' on forums. There isn't all that much on here.
opeth_353 said:
The Akercocke forum is really good imo - it's gots a lot less of kissy-arsey people. TBH the only forum i don't like that much is the Ultimate Guitar forum because the moderators are pure wankstains who won't allow you to state an opinion that opposes theirs.
This forum is perfectly fine in my oppinion - i always expect there to be a certain degree of 'flaming' on forums. There isn't all that much on here.
Hehehe.... wankstains. Thats teh funny 5H17!!! I agree.
I don't really care if people on here don't agree with my opinions on music... I live in a small town, I'm VERY used to that. What does bug me immensely though is when somebody expresses an opinion, and the response is "you suck balls, faggot, because you don't agree with me" (or some other such pathetic caveman bullshit), rather than something like "Hmmm, that's interesting, but I don't agree with you because I think..."
The latter of these responses can lead to healthy and often enjoyable debate. But to do this, we need to be open minded. There's no use arguing for something if you're never going to be open to the idea of being persuaded the other way... otherwise you might just lose sight of why you think you're right in the first place.
JoeVice said:
why does that happen so often on this board? in almost every thread i read, people are trying to argue on behalf of their taste...why their favorite album is a better choice than everyone else's...it seems like we spend most of the time arguing about opinions, instead of enjoying and respecting others' opinions...its, i dunno...macho, egotistical, pointless.

plus, where does it get us? at the end of the thread, the "winner" is whoever gets the last word in concerning a debate over a purely subjective opinion...no one wins, the argument was nothing to begin with.

how about instead of saying..."no, fuck that, you obviously don't know shit about music...still life is so fucking superior to GR, bla bla bla bla," one could say, "cool, well here is what i really dig about Still Life ___________."

read through some of the threads, and think about how ridiculous some of the posts are. why doesn't mike post here anymore...its because a lot of the shit on here is so immature.
Basically right, i can't fucking stand people who blast each other for their taste in music. It's a matter of opinion people, if you're the kind of person who does that then i probably don't like you at all.

On the other hand the people who perpetuate it or often worse and by that i mean the people who'll say they like a band, be told by others that they're shit and simply crumble and agree! Listen up people I LISTEN TO THE KAISER CHIEFS! And fuck you if you think i'm embarrassed to admit it.

Although at different times i have been both of those varieties of people. At first the person who embarrassed by his own musical tatse and second the person who called other peoples taste shite because it differed from mine.

Yes i think Khanate is the biggest waste of a blank CD i've ver heard but if you like them then that your bag and who am i to say your taste in music is shit.

"Your taste in music is merely a subjective opinion on structured noise".

So no one has any right to flame anyone elses taste.
I aint even heard of the Kaiser Cheifs, so whatever man. However, if someone starts listening to shit like the Used, Slipknot etc, but then starts prancing around in a tie and bondage clothes claiming their a goth/punk/emo whatever the fuck they call themselves these days, THEN I might take it upon myselves to hurt someones feelings.
Forest-of-October said:
However, if someone starts listening to shit like the Used, Slipknot etc, but then starts prancing around in a tie and bondage clothes claiming their a goth/punk/emo whatever the fuck they call themselves these days, THEN I might take it upon myselves to hurt someones feelings.

I like Slipknot... they have an individual sound, and Joey Jordison is just a MACHINE! People are too harsh on them, in my opinion...

Hate The Used tough...:yuk:
Forest-of-October said:
However, if someone starts listening to shit like the Used, Slipknot etc, but then starts prancing around in a tie and bondage clothes claiming their a goth/punk/emo whatever the fuck they call themselves these days, THEN I might take it upon myselves to hurt someones feelings.
