Flo Mounier...

Although Flo is excellent, as a matter of personal taste I think Pete Sandoval, Richard Christy, Trym Torson, Hellhammer, and Proscriptor are the best metal drummers.

I think hyperspeed and drum solo showiness are masturbatory and not really a good indicator of skill. I prefer to look at things like the beats and fills used and how they complement a song.
Flo is a really good drummer and the first metal drummer to ever really impress me with drumming skills. I also really like Derek Roddy and Hellhammer those three are drummers that really stand out for me.
Dave Mackintosh (who was in Bal-Sagoth, now in Dragonforce) is also pretty good. All these metal drummers are good but the only few who really stand out to me is Portnoy and Rullo. imo.
Recently i've realized Flo can be sloppy at times, but i still love the way he plays. He's definitely good but no Gene Hoglan :worship: