Maybe. I get along equally well with women and men and I have no particular preferences in my hiring or in who I become friends with.
The reason I was put off was because a) Revamp is a profit-making enterprise, not just a lark, and b) someone gave her a chance.
For better or worse, the rock and metal world is still dominated by men, and any women that get big got big because they fronted a band consisting of males who gave them a shot. So naturally I'd expect a woman to pay it forward and give some other women a shot.
You look at a girl like Orianthi, an amazing guitar player, but if Michael Jackson hadn't given her a shot, would she be where she is now? We know that Floor would never have considered Orianthi if she sent in an audition tape. Which sounds downright stupid because Orianthi is almost certainly better than any guitarist Floor is likely to hire. And from everything I've read about Orianthi, she's a dream to work with and has no ego issues, so she wouldn't be a problem in a band with other females unless those females decided to make it an issue.
Maybe I'm just a dreamer, imagining a world where women can make it in metal without needing a man to make them famous. The pop and country genres are full of women who made it on their own merits, why can't metal be that way? And almost every one of these pop and country divas has female members in their backing band. So I just don't get why the metal genre is different.