Bottom line: If Mark Jansen and Sander Gommans had decided that After Forever was a "men only" band, we would not know who Floor Jansen is. There was just no way for a woman to gain any recognition in the metal genre in 1997 unless she was lucky enough to be given a chance by a man. And back then, female singers weren't a hot trend, they were still a pretty rare thing. I remember hearing about Nightwish back then and how different they were because they used a female singer.
Now she has a rare opportunity that only a few women have ever had: she gained enough recognition and fame from the opportunity she was given to be able to start her own band and have people actually be interested in that band. So of course, she's going to pay it forward and help other women to get ahead in the industry, right? Or she at least maintains an open mind, as Mark jansen and Sander Gommans did, so that if a woman of incredible talent comparable to her own should audition, she'd give her a shot? Well, no.
And that's what I don't understand. I didn't want to get into all the debates, I just wanted a plausible explanation that didn't involve her being selfish. Instead, I got defenses of selfishness. And of course everyone has the right to be selfish, it's not a crime, but we still call it what it is.
If we can at least agree on that, I'm done.
But, you are supposed to set that aside when conducting business. And Revamp is a business.
Good God, this is going to go on for 5 pages????
Can we merge this thread with the doom thread? :Smokedev:
I'm not calling everyone that disagrees with me a sexist. Just that the statements that perhaps she's afraid another woman would steal the spotlight, or that two women would have trouble getting along in a band, are sexist. We wouldn't assume that about two men working together.
I feel bad for all those female guitar players who want to be in a heavy metal band. Looks like no one is going to give them a chance no matter how good they are.
What's getting everyone angry is your insistence that just because we don't have a problem with Floor hiring whomever she wants for her band, that we're all being sexist and discriminatory.
Also, yes, there are plenty of cases where, as a business, you can deny people a job based on things that would normally be considered discriminatory. I'm too lazy to look it up, but it has something to do with performing your job to its expected purpose. It's why Hooters can hire only women to be waitresses (and that was actually a court case, where some guy sued them because they wouldn't hire him to be anything other than a cook).
Based on the way this thread has gone, it's obvious that what Floor SHOULD have done would be to simply screen out all the women during the audition process. No one could bitch at her, then.
Anyone have any ideas on why the image of Revamp would require only male instrument players?
I feel bad for all those female guitar players who want to be in a heavy metal band. Looks like no one is going to give them a chance no matter how good they are.