Floor Toms


I like a nice salad......
Nov 13, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Righty, I've heard many theorys on mixing toms. Usually it's a good cut between 50-600hz. I am not experienced enough to get my toms sounding magical yet but I can get them in a pretty good place.

My biggest problem is floor toms. I can cut all I want or not cut and never get these things to come through the rest of the mix. Even cranked, all they do is take over the master output but still have no presence.

Assuming I have a good raw sound to work with, are there any thoughts you folks could throw at at me.

This is what I usually try when they don't work out........ I throw myself off my computer chair onto the floor, roll myself into a ball holding my knees. Then I proceed to rock back and forth and cry as loud as I can ..."WHYYYYYWHYYYY".
Yo Mikey! I too have had issues with the Floor tom, but over time I tried so many mic combos and ended up using a ATM25 Audio Technica or A Sennhieser MD 421. As far as the mix go's you gotta fool around with them a bit in the Bass freq. between the 80hz and 300hz thats the muddy area. The clarity comes from and even mixture or Mids and a taste of high mids and in the 10k region for snap. Just season to taste cause there either just right or god awful. Hope this helped a bit. Glad to work with you on the Abysmal Dawn Project - Your sans amp bass rack is GOD!!! I need to purchase one fo sho!!!!
ArtisanBass said:
Usually it's a good cut between 50-600hz.

Dude, 50-600Hz is a HUGE range to try and narrow down problems. Even the 80hz and 300hz that John mentioned is a very broad range. Here's a good place to start if you're looking for a good tom sound:

boost a little in the 100-150Hz range
cut a little (maybe a lot) in the 300-430Hz range
boost a little in the 1k-2k range (if needed)
boost a little around 4k

There's not much above 4k except a lot of cymbal leakage. If you place the mics really well, you may be able to get a little air by going higher.
oops I meant 500-600. Thanks for the thought so far. I shall try some of them out over the weekend.

HEY JOHN> I did an interview with PIT today and I told them how much of a prick you were to work with. JK. I told them you were very paitent and it was good environment. But you never know if they'll print my first response or not.

Thanks again all