So you say you'll try to record some more. If you don't mind, I'll post a wantlist
1) Several cymbal samples: china, dark, bright, fast - 4-6 different samples with a very long decay space for each
2) Hihat with long decay (I simply cannot state how much I hate all the so-called professional samples in official kits where open hihat is at most 2 seconds long and even then it is cut out with the pedal :Shedevil: )
3) Fourth tom, something between a 12" rack tom and 16" floor tom sound-wise
4) A good dark ride with long decay
5) A tightly tuned snare, one sample set for strong single hits and one with less force for blastbeat parts
6) And a ghost-note snare sample (a very easy hit)
Lots of demands
Of course having 10 samples for each would be nice

I don't mind if they're on the same single wav per each drum, I can cut them myself - and that way I can also pick which samples to use