
I think folkmusic to me is mainly nordic music with these mystic folktunes which gives me creepings down my neck... It reminds me of my roots and the nordic mythology which I find very exciting and will always hunger to learn more about..

But of course there are other cool folkmusic around the world, but I'll always find the nordic one most special and best...
Originally posted by Futhark
I think folkmusic to me is mainly nordic music with these mystic folktunes which gives me creepings down my neck... It reminds me of my roots and the nordic mythology which I find very exciting and will always hunger to learn more about..

But of course there are other cool folkmusic around the world, but I'll always find the nordic one most special and best...

Well the nordic folk music is what you grew up with,
and it's closer to you so that's why you will always
love it more. It's a part of your identity to some
extent, even though people not into folk music might
disagree with me on this.....

I love Irish folk-music, it feels extremly close to me,
but still, the scandinavian stuff is more what I can
relate to. And metalversion of folk songs blows my
mind! :o))
I've finally got my hand at Otyg's second demo called "Bergtagen".

I now got both demos that I know about?

Is there anymore???
You said in a thread that you missed girls singing in folkmetal bands as a main vocal sort of, and I agree... I've put online some mp3's from the Vikingrock band Hel, which Cia Hedmark plays in now. They have two female singers, maybe you'll like them?
They have released a new cd now.. I'll get it in my post in a couple of weeks, I really look forward to hear how Cia has done... =)

Well here are three mp3's: Hel_Valkyrians Dom_Valkyrians_dom.mp3 Hel_Valkyrians_Dom_Haxjakt.mp3

By the way, do you know if there are anymore demos of Otyg than "Bergtagen" and "I trollskogens drömmande mörker" ?
Hi everyone,

I got all three Otyg demos on cassette from Mattias Marklund some years ago. I transferred all of into wave-format on my computer and burned CDrs of them - with fairly good sound quality. I´d gladly make mp3s of all demos and upload to those who want, but the thing is that back then I had a very crappy CD-burner, so when I try to rip audio of CDs burned by it, I get some sort of ASPI-error or similar. I´m not sure, but I should have mp3s of these three demos somewhere (made before I deleted the original wave-files), but damn, it´s not easy finding a specific CDr in a room filled to the brim with discs, let me tell you. I´ll search yet another time if there is an interest for it. Btw, I promised Mattias I would not distribute the third and last demo, but I don't know how serious he was.

The tracklistings, which someone requested, are as follow:

Bergtagen (1995)

01 - Det Var Höst - 0:46
02 - Trollmånens Väg - 2:17
03 - Stentorsröster - 2:06
04 - Galdernatten - 2:51
05 - Skuggan på Åsen - 1:15
06 - Bergtagen - 2:52
07 - Septembersång - 4:20
08 - Vid Skogstjärn Står... 2:13
09 - Bäckafärden - 3:09
10 - Otygets Tid - 2:23

I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker (1996)

01 - Vitterstigen - 2:32
02 - Vinterväsen - 2:56
03 - Fjälldrottningens Slott - 3:17
04 - Norrut - 2:40
05 - Driven ur Fjället - 3:37
06 - Genom Obanat Rike - 3:47
07 - Frostmarkstoner - 2:55
08 - I Trollberg och Skog - 3:33
09 - Skymningsdans - 3:11
10 - Sorgbundna Sekel - 1:53

Galdersång till Bergfadern (1997)

01 - Galdersång till Bergfadern 2:04
02 - Fimbulfolket - 2:58
03 - Trollpiskat Ödemarksblod - 2:57
04 - Ulvskrede - 2:59
05 - Älvadimmans Omdaning 3:08
06 - Fjällstorm - 3:03
07 - Myrdingar - Martyrium - 3:25
08 - Allfader Vise - 3:59
09 - Härnadståg - 3:52
10 - Blåkullafärden - 2:55
11 - Nordbloss och Gasteld - 2:23

Most songs here are VERY good, although they lack the soundquality of the studio CDs of course.

Stentorsröster, Genom Obanat Rike & Härnadståg are really outstanding tracks that would have fitted very well on Älvefärd.

A 2 CD-set with all demos re-mastered + some live songs or something, would be a wish come true.

If you read this, Vintersorg, I urge you to consider it!

I found this in the my first thread on this board!!:)

btw when do get an avatar. Maybe you should use your album cover which is great!!
I've got the two demos a couple of days ago. I downloaded them from some mp3 channel on mIRC...
But I would be very glad to get that third demo. That's rather rare....I don't think Mattias takes it so serious anymore. But I don't know. Maybe you should mail him?

I've changed avatar =) Found out of it..heh

I totally agree with your proposal to Vintersorg...
Futhark@: I only typ that last part by myself, don't know who typ that first part but I had problems to guote him for some reason. Just to make this clear.

I like your avatar, I know this would be in the avatar thread but what is it exectly. Is there a story where this picture is for
Cool that you asked me about that picture..
Yes, that picture has a history like most pictures. In my new album-booklet there are many pictures in the same genre. They are from around 1850 and are taken from a collection of National Romantic art called, "Norway in pictures". Norway got independent 17th of May 1814, and after that many wanted to prove that we had an own culture, an own land, and an unic nature! So this was a very patriotic period of Norways existence. Finally we were free from the Danes and the Swedes, and had become democratic and independent.

During this epoke, lot's of tales and tradtions were written down, and a lot of central persons in Norway declerered themself as "Asatru". Like Edvard Grieg, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson..(I bet you don't know them, but in Norway they are very well known)

My album(also my life) is under big inspiration of these men, and therefore I also have used art made by them...
So that's the reason. If you want to check out more pictures in the same genre you can visit:
Originally posted by Futhark
You said in a thread that you missed girls singing in folkmetal bands as a main vocal sort of, and I agree... I've put online some mp3's from the Vikingrock band Hel, which Cia Hedmark plays in now. They have two female singers, maybe you'll like them?
They have released a new cd now.. I'll get it in my post in a couple of weeks, I really look forward to hear how Cia has done... =)

First off; THANKS for taking the time to put up the songs!
That's REALLY nice of you! :o) Especially since I'm such a
lazy arse >;oP

Secondly, yeah, I've heard Hel before... Didn't like it back
then, but I thought I might have picked the wrong song
to download. So I tried all the songs you put up... And man,
the music gives me a headache! lol! >:oP I can't help it,
I just don't like their music. The voice isn't original in any
way, and the music is very thin. It gives me nothing, I only
get annoyed by it! hehe...

But thanks for trying! :o) Now, if you find any other folk stuff,
you know where to post it! I always hunger for some new
things to check out! :o)
Hehe, yes some like it, some not... that's pretty simple.
Of course if I discover something else, I'll put it online for you =)
Are you interested in hearing a song with Garmarna or Bukkene Bruse? I can upload one if you're interested!

Forresten så hører jeg på Otyg - Trollmånens Väg..
Jeg elsker det når den går over i det partiet med en uskyldige pikesangen... åh. Hvorfor kom aldri denne låten på en skikkelig utgivelse????
Futhark@: well, I know Grieg of cource but don't know the other two indeed. Are they musicians too?

are you 'Asatru' too? I search what it means, and because you say these people are a big inspiration for you I was wondering...

btw it's cool to see that a lot of people here (including you) has almost the same interests as me. I am busy too with some folk/metal songs about mythology, nature and that stuff, a bit as your music. I recorded some parts but I haven't finished songs. I let your hear it when it's done.

last question: do you write your lyrics in old Nordic like Vintersorg and Thyrfing do in Swedish??