Folk music


Root Of All Evil
Jun 9, 2002
Tent No. 1
I checked all the threads here and havent found any about folk music ... ;)

I like folk music, specially Irish and Scandinavian folk but since it's not so 'popular' here I can't find too much albums. Fortunately the Norwegian embassy has a cd libary and I've already found some interesting cd there.
I also like when they mix folk music with metal but only a few band can do it in an unique way without losing the real mood of folk.

I look forward your opinions, likes-dislikes, recommodations, etc... whatever comes to your mind concerning to folk music:)
I enjoy immensely the apocalyptic folk that was mentioned in the C93 / NWW thread... Blood Axis wasn't mentioned there but I enjoy their stuff too.

I don't know if Ulver's Kveldssanger can rightly be termed a folk album... probably at least a folk music influenced album, but that is one of my all time favorite albums and I've been searching for similar stuff ever since. That's how I discovered John Renbourn -- an incredible guitarist and great interpreter of folk, also a good songwriter. The stuff I've heard from him is usually just he singing and playing guitar, sometimes with female vocals, flutes and stuff like that. Really moving stuff.

Oh, and I guess one could say that Sopor Aeternus is folk-influenced too.. and they are a favorite of mine also :-)
Originally posted by Ziller
I enjoy immensely the apocalyptic folk that was mentioned in the C93 / NWW thread... Blood Axis wasn't mentioned there but I enjoy their stuff too.
Isnt it rather called neofolk? (I'm always confused with categories.. :confused: ) Do u know Von Thronstahl?

SA is folk-influenced? hm... i never thought...which album or which element in their music do you consider fok influenced?

I've never heard about John Renbourn.. but i will check him.
That story with the labels is really getting a little bit tiring, don't you think? :) :) Anyway, if you like folk (or neo-folk :grin: ) you might want to check Hagalaz Runedance, they have released some very good album in the style.
I wouldn't call C93 folk, with the traditional meaning of the term but still, you may find their material interesting.
Also two side projects of two great black metal artists deal with folk or at least are very folk oriented. I'm talking about Storm (Satyr, Fenriz, Kari Rueslatten) and Isengard (Fenriz). Especially the later are extremely good and show a more "fun" side of the style...
Try Empyrium I think their newer stuff is neo folk and apoctalyptic folk. I'm not sure though because I'm new to them myself ...
you wouldnt want to listen to austrian/german folk music :lol:

i like country & western which is folk music in fact. i once liked irish folk but it started to annoy me somewhen, dunno why.

@ mocika: if you like folk mixed with rock, check out jethor tull then. songs from the wood is quite folkish.

@ furious B: totally agree. NO HIPPIES!
@Kveldssanger: thanks for the recommodations but I already know Hagalaz R., Storm and Isengard:) I also like the Wongraven album.

Empyrium as neofolk? hm.... sometimes i really get confused with categories... :confused:

@opacity: I found these cds interesting enough:
- Arne M. Solvberg: Nordfjordslatta
- Aurora Borealis: Harpa
- Karl Seglen, Reidar Skål: Tya
- Norske Turdansar
- Kalenda Maya
- Dvergmål
Do you know any of them?
@Mocika: not really.
I have heard of Aurora Borealis only in connection with Aurora, who were named Aurora Borealis before :D :hypno: (and whose new album is just not to find ... :bah: )
The best folk music in my opinion is Hedningarna. If you don't know them they are a Swedish/Finnish folk band. They play kind of traditional folk with violins and all that stuff, but (unfortunatly) also sometimes put electronic drums and shit on top. It's not like it's Umprfh, Umprfh, Umprfh, Umprfh shit. It's kind of "normal" rhythm, just with electronic drums. My favorite album of theirs is "Trä". I would say it's the album I have that's closest to being superb without being it, if you know what I mean...?
I have 4 of their albums, I only miss their first, but it's availiable on vinyl, so I want to see if I can find it. I have mp3'ed all my cd's so you can get their stuff at Kazaa if you want to check 'em out!
I like irish and scandinavian folk, too! Try Loreena McKennit (irish) or Mari Boine (Norwegian Joik, the voice of the sami-people)! Besides, very interesting thread, I was looking for some new folk-music to listen to anyway:)
i recently bought a 2cd anthology of Clannad. the first disc is great and the second uses keyboards way too much and i don't like it. so, i guess i suggest early Clannad.

the champions of traditional irish music are, surely, The Chieftains. they've got the full package in spades. i'd love to drop a link, but it's under construction.

i, also, like The Tannahill Weavers.

and yup. i like The Pogues. i saw Shane (singer) live once. pretty good but i would have rather seen him with The Pogues.