food in atlanta

I must have missed the Einstein Bros. - is it within walking distance of the venue?

It is on 14th street, not far from the dirt lot where the Hampton Inn once stood. :waah: (Have no idea what their hours are though.) From the venue, turn right and walk down W. Peachtree towards downtown, and turn right on 14th street. Its on the left hand side.

With the earlier start on Friday/Saturday, I brought a PB&J sandwich and pita chips to eat at the venue. It doesn't get much cheaper than that...and I didn't miss any bands while waiting for food to come out!

I remember you told that to me when I was trying to find a place to eat after one of the sets on Saturday night. I had some food back in the hotel room, but I didn't get around to eating that until 3 AM or so. :erk:

This time around we'll be staying a bit closer to the venue, and I now know of some other restaurants nearby.

Thursday and Friday we have the Subway, but Saturday night is difficult because it closes at the odd time of 4 PM. :mad:
My wife and I stayed at the Super 8. We ordered pizza the first night. Saturday we drove to The Vortex for some chowhey, I see a place where the entrance is a giant skull, I gotta go in) and ate at the bar at the venue both nights. We also took advantage of the "continental breakfast" at the motel(fruit, instant oatmeal, cereal,etc).