For all you 002 Cubase users


I'm not here.
Jan 31, 2007
Is it possible to direct monitor through analog inputs 5-8? I've got no problem with the mic pres but I get no sound through the analog inputs on direct monitor :zombie:
yeah i'm a big fan of PTHD but for home use I can't stand PTLE. Now I'm running twice as many plugins, not getting random error messages, and have automatic latency :) Of course I lost 4 input channels :mad:

Not sure what your driver problem could be. Are you on windows?
How so?
Don't know, for some reason cubase seems to be more compatible with my CPU or memory

I dont notice any latency with my system... is that weird?

I can't do any sort of major mixing without plugins causing latency and you can forget about parallel compression. Phase issues ahoy!

again, how so?

That's what this threads about, I can't direct monitor through the analog inputs for some reason

I use a 003R w/Nuendo and PTLE 7 on XP. No problems at all getting my ASIO drivers to work.

I'm also on Windows and noticed the same thing. I can run twice as many plugs as I can in PT and I can beat the SHIT out of the Cubendo stuff on my machine (lots of plugs, automation, and overall just abusing the program) without it ever given me fatal errors or any kind of hiccup.

With PT, if I just look at my screen the wrong way I get DAE errors or access violations.

I love PT to death aside from this, I really do, but HD is out of my current budget. If I could afford it, I'd switch in a second.

::shrug:: one day.. one day..
yes ptle sucks if you want a tons of plug's, Cubase runs smoother!!!

hey brood got those files ;) .. you know what I mean!! :p

Oh God Opeth fucking rules! I must say thank to you bro
No no, thank the swedes :lol:

I'm not gonna be home till saturday so when i get on my own comp i'll send those files.

But please someone help with my inputs problem!!:lol: DIGI was no help, i think they're offended that I'm not using their software...
hold on Brood, when I get home I can do a test, I always run smoothly cubase with Digi002, I just have to try that monitoring and I'll let you know!

EDIT: can you record from those inputs? is it your problem just the monitoring or you can't even record from those analog inputs?
hold on Brood, when I get home I can do a test, I always run smoothly cubase with Digi002, I just have to try that monitoring and I'll let you know!

EDIT: can you record from those inputs? is it your problem just the monitoring or you can't even record from those analog inputs?
i can record fine but I'd like to be able to direct monitor from it because of the fact that drummers get all fucked up by the latency and yet they want to hear every mic super loud in the heaphones
ASIO Direct Monitoring
If your audio hardware is ASIO 2.0 compatible, it may support ASIO Direct Monitoring. In this mode, the actual monitoring is done in the audio hardware, by sending the input signal back out again. However, monitoring is controlled from Cubase SX/SL. This means that the audio hardware's direct monitoring feature can be turned on or off automatically by Cubase SX/SL, just as when using internal monitoring.

- To activate ASIO Direct Monitoring, open the Device Setup dialog on the Devices menu and check the Direct Monitoring checkbox on the VST Audiobay page.

If the checkbox is greyed out, your audio hardware (or its driver) doesn't support ASIO Direct Monitoring. Consult the audio hardware manufacturer for details.

- When ASIO Direct Monitoring is activated, you can select a monitoring mode in the Preferences dialog (VST page), as when monitoring via Cubase SX/SL (see above).

- Depending on the audio hardware, it may also be possible to adjust monitoring level and panning from the mixer.

Consult the documentation of the audio hardware if in doubt.

- VST effects and EQ cannot be applied to the monitor signal in this mode, since the monitor signal doesn't pass through Cubase SX/SL.

- Depending on the audio hardware, there may be special restrictions as to which audio outputs can be used for direct monitoring.

For details on the routing of the audio hardware, see its documentation.

- The latency value of the audio hardware configuration does not affect the monitor signal when using ASIO Direct Monitoring.