for fans of adtr, tgi, ftfd etc


Oct 15, 2008
Brisbane CBD
about a year ago some mates and i decided to write some songs for fun in the vein of some of the more fun bands we've been listening to and recorded them.

heres one from a quick mix i did, with some pre production vocals thrown over the top. the whole thing really could be classed as pre production, but ill probably just spend a bit more time with it and release it soon, ive kinda just been sitting on it for a good 6 months or so whilst ive been working on other shit of mine and other peoples shit, which is far more srs bzns

gtrs were all done with a esp ltd viper 100 deluxe with a 81 in the bridge into a boss tu2 tuner into a boss ns2 with a bbe green screamer in the loop with tone at about 3 oclock, gain at about 730, and level on at about 4 oclock through reaper being amped by revalver with the mesa sim and the acm 900 sim, 2 on either side

bass was a music man stingray with the preamp set flat, amped through amplitube ampeg using the classic

both used a impulse rather than the cab sims they come with

vox have hardly been touched, just double tracked roughly with a 58 infront of blaring monitors with no treatment, it was only meant to get the ideas down

pls ignore the shitty vocals at the end of the song, they totally got barred

drums i think were ssd with s2.0 room and ohs

when i get home, and if any interest warrants it, ill dig into the session and share settings and whatnot

songs called no russian, after mw2
enjoi? russian vox demo.wav
that sounds good , just drop the volume of the kick and vox...

btw so ur DI was a bit distorted ?
yeh soz, as stated before, the vocals were just thrown over the top, they havent really been touched at all, theyre just all rough takes of vocal ideas
will pull the kick down

the di was distorted, just not on cleans, think using a real overdrive for some reason just sounded better to me at the time

they were tacked direct into the hi z input of an m audio fast track pro

in before omg slate/sturgis core, that was the whole point. not neccesarily to make jest of those bands, but try and rip something out really quickfor fun.
so is this the difference a DI box into Revalver is compared to say a Fast Track Pro?

I use Revalver and Mesa sims and cant seem to get a clean punchy tone like this.

sounds very good by the way!
Sounds great, but the kick is overpowering. Update us when this gets finished! Also, I'd love to know more about the guitar. Are you using the standard impulses that come with Revalver, or something else?
i used the fredman impulses im pretty sure, cant remember if it was the straight or slant, and i used some from ultimate guitar modelling forum, mainly the sperimental pack of mesa 4x12s i think. once i get back to aus ill suss full details

theres no real secrets to the tone at all, od going into the interface, od in revalver going into either the mesa or the acm (i have the exact settings at home) and just playing really tight and well. as you can hear (theres a few fuckups), theres been no guitar editing done except for strip silence. ill get all my post processing to you when i get home. im not really siked on the guitars that much, i think theyre a bit fakey/too bright sounding. maybe i need to roll some presence down around 10 k or something

you guys can check out our myspace which has like 0 friends at which has 1 of 3 songs we demoed in a day at 454.

in terms of amity, theyre currently at machine shop recordings in ny recording their new album with machine, all of the pre production for this album was handled by 454 both in the studio and on the fly by both myself and the head engineer who did the bulk of it. their vocals have always been done at 454 for final product.

noted: will pull kick down

cheers guys, hopefully put a new song up on the forum for some more feedback once i can get home and tweak the mix
would love some more feedback on this, ill try and post the instrumental version soon, just need to hurry up and finish the mix and put it up for download
we now have a myspace with two old tracks we did just before we started tracking the album ourselves. note i did not record or mix these songs. these two however will be on the album that im about to finish.

let me know of any browser dramas so i can tweak the layout
